Apr 20, 2009
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    1. sking29
      Eh man don't get down things will work out fine. I had a cousin who had open heart surgery and even a stroke afterwords and came out fine. Just gotta stay positive and hope for the best. You and your dad have my best wishes man. You mind me creating a thread here in the Outreach forum? I'm a believer in the more well wishes and prayers the better. He'll be fine though man don't get down.
    2. sking29
      Dude that really sucks.
    3. sking29
      Typical Dems. Also I may not be on aim until later I am currently working on that PS3 problem and will have to cook at around 5 EST and feed the animals. However I should be on tonight.

      WHy is there something you need to talk about?
    4. sking29
      What did they do now? Although I have a good idea. :lol:
    5. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      We're friends, through good or bad, and that's all that really matters to me. So no being sorry.
    6. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      No need to be sorry. No worries. :)
    7. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      Is that one really seven pages? It didn't seem that long to me. But I guess I am used to reading lots and lots. And I am working on the responses. Promise.
    8. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      Hehe, if it would make you feel better! Sometimes when I am having a bad day or just not feeling right I just open up a word document and write about everything that made me mad. Then I select all and erase. Something about deleting it all is highly satisfying to me. :)
    9. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      I was just killing time while Pete is on the phone... it's not like I put a lot of thought into it lol. Try and cheer up. I know it isn't easy.
    10. The Arbiter
      The Arbiter
      Did not. I only came on here because Skeet wanted me to look at pictures silly.
    11. alen1
    12. alen1
      Huh? I didn't take a FB quiz?
    13. sking29
      Well I find it interesting that Obama had the same reaction to Palin as you know that she is the Messiah.

      When we all know Obama is the Messiah. :shifty:
    14. sking29
      Good article but the comments are mostly laughable. Its like some of the POFOs I visit on some sites. :lol:
    15. sking29
      Stitches and I were talking about gaming deals...FYI.
    16. sking29
      For a bit but at midnight I gotta do my heat treatment again before bed.
    17. sking29
      You erasing all the messages now. :lol:
    18. sking29
      Ohhhh now I get it. Was I under scrubs129 instead of tscrublsy because I did check my email last night.
    19. sking29
      I didn't sign into aim last night. So I'm confused...:lol:
    20. sking29
      When was this?
    21. sking29
      No I was on earlier tonight.
    22. sking29
      Is this "They" the same "They" that is always talking negatively about Chevy?
    23. alen1
      My computer is being slow and gay so if SR PMing is ok with you then we'll go that route?
    24. alen1

      Have a good one bro.

    25. alen1
      Weird. I guess it shows they're equal. ;)
    26. alen1
      I was just about to go to sleep. Can we put this off until tomorrow or is it urgent?
    27. alen1
      yeah il get on. give me a few.
    28. like2god
      You know, I can see you in invisible mode. Just sayin...:bwahaha:
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