If your life depends on religious beliefs and patriotism, do NOT watch this movie. The rest of you, with open minds, will find a movie that is completely logical and horrifyingly real. http://zeitgeistmovie.com/index.html This is a two hour movie so keep that in mind so you can set aside time to watch it. Your life will never be the same. (The intro is almost 10 minutes long, don't give up before the movie starts.)
My son has been trying to get me to watch it but he also is a believer in the Twin Tower conspiracy and in Michael Moore films . I am not big on conspiracy theories but I may see it just to refute his arguments
Ive seen it. Its a good documentary, very well done. It ties up alot of conspiracy theories, ranging from Christianity's origin, to the Fed Reserve, to 9/11, to Iraq, and The New World Order. Like most flicks like these, you have to watch with an open mind, but a skeptical one nonetheless. Take it all with a grain of salt. Its just one perspective on history, and like most interpretations of the past, its full of holes as well.
Sorry, couching 9-11 conspiracy theories in religious trappings doesn't make them any less ridiculous, baseless and just plain offensive.
For a number of reasons. First off, it's most often thinly-disguised anti-American propoganda. Why do you think so many people in Arab countries are fond of 9-11 conspiracies? Second, it spits in the face of people who were there and saw exactly what happened, in the face of experts who've independently confirmed what happened, in the face of anyone with the common sense to understand why nearly all the conspiracy theories are patently ridiculous and in the face of our men and women in uniform who risked their lives in Afghanistan fighting the people actually responsible for the attacks. And finally, because the deluded, self-absorbed, self-proclaimed illuminati who push these theories mostly do it so they can feel superior to the "sheeple."
A lot of good reasons. If you don't choose to be offended by 9-11 conspiracy theorists, you shouldn't choose to be offended by Holocaust deniers either.
why is that? Might as well say, If you choose to not be offended by people who do not follow jesus then you shouldn't be offended by people who do not follow mohommed.
Wish i had my comp hooked up to my tv...Might have to load this up on my roommates comp/tv so I can sit back and pay attention.
While there are holes, because obviously nothing can be proven, it also punches rather large holes in what were told to be the truth and that , IMO, condemns the "truth" as much as anyone wants to condemn this movie. Saying there are holes or that it's offensive isn't an argument against specific points and questions. It's a cop out, IMO. It's exactly the response most people are conditioned to make. As a matter of fact there are labels you're encouraged to put on everyone who goes against the "norm" or the so called truth. Atheist are the devil. Muslims are the enemy. People who use drugs have no credibility. People who question authority are unpatriotic. People who don't swallow everything they're told to swallow are conspiracy theorists, or more commonly referred to as nut cases.....and that's the way people running the show want it to be. They don't want to encourage free thinking and they don't want people to take seriously, anyone who opposes them. So they throw a derogatory label on "the enemies" so there's no confusion. They count on the holes to keep the blind in the dark.
I'll watch it. I have a hard time watching/reading any thing relating to consipiracies. I didn't see that movie with tom hanks for that reason lol. Just seems misleading most of the time to me.........
so you are implying that if someone does not take the movie as a critical piece of film they are sheep and tools of the true power? Are you not doing the same as those you wish to condemn?
No, actually what it condemns is people who believe what they've seen in that movie without checking the facts.
First twenty minutes with the Zodiac and astrological interpretation of the birth of Jesus is really interesting.
Just watched the entire film, and I must say it's some very powerful stuff. You're going to believe what you want to believe, and I'll just leave it at that. Thanks for posting Infins.
No not at all, I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. Why? Because I don't know. I'm condemning the people who think they do know because there is no decisive proof one way or the other.
It is a knowable thing whether the 9-11 attacks were pulled off by Al Quaeda terrorists or not. If you think it is not, you need to do further research and not among the Troofers.
It's a shame that you have to "just leave it at that". I know as I'm typing my replies in this thread I'm also marginalizing myself and having my opinion summarily dismissed simply because it "crazy" not to believe everything you're told.
I dont know, I've never considered myself much of a conspiracy theorist, nor have I really gone out of my way to question the 9/11 story. However, there are things that are raised in this documentary, and others, that are hard to understand given the official story. I'm not sure what that means, if anything, and perhaps that's why it's hard for me to completely agree with certain people on this issue.
It is also quite obvious from video footage and eyewitness testimony including law enforcement and rescue workers that there are many irregularities that don't jibe with the 'truth".
Not necessarily Infins, I won't be able to watch that film my old and slow 'puter won't allow that sort of thing to happen. For Myself, I do believe that people, meaning everyone, should examine what they believe and base their world and personal views and faith upon, I believe that a Creator would have it no other way. I also believe that sooner or later, after the last zeitgeist film has been watched, or a Didache finished, one will have to make choices based on what one has learned, for myself, there is no worse a fate then learning everything, but coming to no conclusions based on that process, that becomes an exercise in mental masturbation, it doesn't really accomplish much but wasting one's time one way or another.
well, I'm not going to think that because I can't find all the answers, that I should stop asking questions. If my life is spent searching for the truth rather than settling on a conclusion using incomplete information, I'm good with that and I would not consider it a waste of my time.
"Troofers"??? Is this derogatory label a legitimate word or is it something you've made up to be loosely translated as "nut cases"?
Then you will have learned absolutely nothing at all, why bother trying to look at incomplete information when no conclusion can be drawn from it, wouldn't it better to search through Curious George stories or Cosmopolitan Magazine?
And that was labeled as such by a guy wearing silk robes and a large funny hat... Anywho, there is some logic behind not being slothful, whether a man in a funny hat said it was bad to be slothful or not.
You mean the guys who made up 7 new deadly sins this weekend? It's no longer " Give a hoot, don't pollute" It's now "Don't pollute, or you're going to hell!"
Yeah, those Papal Decrees are hard assed aren't they? On a fundamental level, without such things being said, not pollluting (now THERE is a variable meaning) is not a bad idea, but hell worthy? What would Common Sense suggest?
Wouldn't human reproduction be considered a form of pollution since you are, in theory, doubling your own carbon footprint and trash output? or tripling it... or quadrupling it. Now there's a conundrum for a religion that disallows birth control.