I took this a couple weeks ago. The group in #6. http://www.thephins.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=232&Itemid=86
Well we all just because HUGE Rosamary (sp?) fans. And no double-entendre with "HUGE," that would be classless
Yep! She is the executive assistant to one of my Boss'. So her and I talk a lot. She is fine, but her personality is what makes her a great person.
I'm going to let her know. She already knows about the site, but she does not want to get into trouble from the Dolphins because they're very strict about what they do or how they might be looked at as maybe promoting themselves without permission.
I think Amy Mecca, of the Philadelphia Eagles, might get my vote for the hottest NFL cheerleader. Check her out: MySpace.com - Amy Mecca Appearances
We dont whenever I'm up in the executive offices. Its all about the Phins and making jokes and kickin it. I'm lucky I don't work up there all day though. I'd probably get in trouble with the GF with talkin about my day and all....