Yeah, you have to consider the injury history in the laguage of the contract but IF this guy is healthy he'll be seeing some Pro-Bowls. He has a knack for making plays! My favorite player on the D!
Give him no more than a two year deal. I expect it to be a one year extension like Williams' deal was.
I agree with Carey but I would wait a little with Crowder. I want to see how he does midway through the season and then maybe offer up a deal.
Yeah, that sounds like a good number. Crowder talked about being underpaid this off-season and wanting a payday. Well, this is his chance to prove he deserves it. I've been impressed with him thus far but its on Sunday's that counts as we all know lol.
Yeah Crowder needs to put up some numbers, and not just tackles! Make some plays boy! Akin has been very solid too. I was a little shocked when I noticed Yeremiah's age this offseason, he hasn't played enough ball for his age. If we can get three more good years out of him he'll get it done!
It's worth waiting to see what Crowder does. The draft next year has two 260+ pound 3-4 ILB prospects highly rated so it seems. It's really early to speculate, but that's a spot to consider.
I think that our front office is sitting back and watching to see who deserves a payday. Those that earn one will be in line for it, those that don't will be looking for jobs.
That was my first thought...nothing about Yeremiah. If I'm Vernon Carey, I might be expecting to hit the open market. They've given extensions to Ricky Williams and now talking with Yeremiah Bell...not a word about Vernon Carey.
Well. Brock Marion was 35 when he retired. Then again, I don't really see them extending him for 4 years. I guess you could look at him like a lot of people look at Ricky--not a lot of mileage on his body (always injured).
Yeah that's a tough one for me. The guy must have looked pretty good in camp amd he's a good saftey but man, those injuries.
Umm I did not studder. I am just kidding year a 3-4 year extension. I think hw will be good for a while longer.
Do misspelled words count as online-stuttering? I would love to give him that but with the injuries, I just can't. I think in the end, he will receive an additional year on his current contract, like Ricky Williams did.
Did you expect any thing else I think hw will bw fine this year but yea it makes sense to give him a year I really hope we give him more then that though. Has anyone heard any extensions for Ronnie Brown?
I guess now is the best time to start working on an extension with Bell. At least at this point in time when discussing his contract its easy for the team to throw in the fact that he hasnt been able to stay healthy the last few years, and offer him less because of that. Waiting until after the season, or halfway through if Bell is playing well and still healthy, then more than likely he's going to demand more. He deserves an extension though, when healthy, he is a good safety. Hopefully he's able to prove that in a full season this year.