[video=youtube;cinELJwB0kM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cinELJwB0kM[/video] bugs bunny is the equivalent of the music industry dying a slow painful death due to its own doing
If i am not mistaken, these people pay the company to make these videos and they release them to make money from the hits they make from youtube
And everyone of us that clicks on the videos helps a Jet fan because Staged has some type of pay scale for website hits as well. Why do you think Green is posing all these Marino highlights, Dolphin year in review highlights, etc. Not because he likes us. Say no to supporting Jets fans.
Sounds like you shouldnt be advertising that lest you kill the chances you may have with any female who may be reading here. Im sure you can find some pills online for that Oh yeah, and the techno crap theyre playing nowadays and the lame little "lets all be friends" type lyrics suck.
Listening to that stuff...Id practically rather be deaf. At least then I wouldnt have this headache I now have after hearing that crap
If we're old enough, we remember our parents listening to Lawrence Welk. Think about how they felt when they first heard us plaiying Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love." Now it's our turn.
What's wrong with music today is that young teenagers are the biggest consumers out there, and their ear is not developed so their very easy to trick, therefore higher ups are finding ways to connect with what they want to hear, it all equals everyone listening to music that has tricks and whistles, but no depth or substance, and no level of musicianship..
lol Just no. Music is garbage bc kids care more about an artist's image than they do their quality of music.
That's what young people tell old people to defend their ****ty taste. I'm 28, I don't think many people would look at my issues with a lot of this new music and just chalk it up to me being old.
people have been complaining about music of the young since there has been music. no, you would be hipster or some other type of nerd
I'm 22 and think my generation of music is mainly garbage. Maybe people have been complaining always, but that goes for ANYTHING you could ever talk about. There is legitimate suckage going on here.
lol That's ridiculous. The Beatles were some of the biggest nerds around at their time and they made great music. And it's not the music of the young. There's plenty of people my age that listen to this garbage.
they were nerds. plenty of people of any age that listen to garbage. I grew up in the 80s, tons of crap back then.
Yes but there was still good music in the 80s. The ratio of good music to **** is at an all-time low right now, imo and it's been like that for pretty much the last 8-9 years at least.
you don't have a generation of music. You live in an age where you can just point and click and hear anything you want. Bands from all around the United States are able to record and put their music online. the only excuse for complaining about music today is laziness. When I was your age the only way to get music was to ask a record store guy or have a friend who knows a guy who knows about music. Most people didn't really have music.
lol That's bull****. Hiphop for example, I've always loved and have access to an infinite amount of it, yet there's very little quality out there. That has nothing to do with me or anyone else not finding it. We aren't finding quality bc there's hardly ever any out there.
I probably do. I am the first to admit I have a ****ty taste in music. still there are plenty of music nerds like you who actually have musical talent and now they can easily put their music online for you to listen to them. There is more awesome music out there then ever. There might be more of what you think of as crap out there, but it is not my fault you are too lazy to look.
There is plenty of awesome hip hop out there. It has been a while since I have lived with my roommate who liked indy hip hop, but he would find it all the time.