WOOHOO!!! We just found out my wife Kim is pregnant with our first child. And if I find the guy responsible (lucky) I'll kill him! J/K This has been a long time coming for us and we are really excited. She is only 36 but I turned 45 this week. So it is a late start, especially for me. I'm so excited that I cannot sit still. So, I'm going to go jump around for a while.
Congrats bro. My wife is due in 3 weeks with our first and we cannot wait!!! Me, from sheer excitement, and her so she does not be pregnant during another hot Georgia summer. Hope you're ready to play butler for 9 months, but after all we do have the easy end of the deal.
No worries bro. There are more and more of us lately, so don't fret about being the grandpa of the parents group. You won't be. So, without further ado.......break out the virtual cigars!
GoPhins!, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me into this thread and would like to congratulate you and your wife. And may your first child be a masculine child.
congrats buddy!! I just became a father for the first time in january.....its absolutley mind blowing and a numbing experience when you first see/hear the child you created.....i hope you and your family are blessed from the bottom of my heart....welcome to the fatherhood fraternity my friend!!!!
Thanks for posting it.. I got a huge kick out of it. Im 100% italian, watch the godfather everyday when they have marathons on AMC and own the boxed set.. Although it does annoy my irish/polish fiance, too bad
Congrats bro. I know how you feel when my sister got pregnant and I was going to become a Uncle I was excited. It soes not matter what age you are at as long as you are a good parent bro.
Congrats!Be prepared for nine months of funjust kidding, its a wonderful experience and a life time commitment. again, congrats on being a father.
Congratulations, Bro! Hopefully she has an uneventful pregnancy and you are blessed with a beautiful, healthy child!!
Oh, and another thing. Don't panic moments after your child comes comes out. That's not the baby's evil ectoplasmic alien twin......its just the placenta.
Damn, and I used protection this time and everything...stupid rubbers. Oh well, enjoy the kid!!! errrrgh, your kid, enjoy your kid! Congrats!!!!
Great news man. I'm glad it's possible to still get it up at 45. I have 18 more years at least of mounting to go
Well I finally calmed down enough to get back online. I've been bouncing off of everything all day. Thanks for all of the advice and well wishes.
Hmmmm, so her Dad was 47 when she was born. I'm going to be 45 so pretty close. My Dad was 40 when I came along so perhaps it runs in the family. Or perhaps we are just a little slow.