Who is your Heisman winner?

Discussion in 'College Sports' started by Stitches, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    Who do you think should win the Heisman and why?

    I say Tim Tebow. I know he is a sophomore which hurts his chances, but he has been amazing every game. 4,000 yards of offense almost (800+ rushing), 22 rushing TDs and like 29 passing. Those kind of statistics in one season are simply stunning.

    Too bad it's so hard for WRs to get consideration too, let alone freshman, because Michael Crabtree was quite ridiculous this year as well (Maclin from Mizzou too, but to a lesser extent).
  2. Kdawg954

    Kdawg954 Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Being a sophomore . . . DEFINITELY will definitely make him NOT be an OBVIOUS choice. If Tebow was a senior . . . or even a junior . . . I think he is the winner.

    I'm on the Colt Brennan bandwagon now tho. WHAT A NIGHT that kid had last night . . . he carried his team down 21-0 to win last night and remain perfect. 42-50, 5 TD's . . . no INT's . . . .his team is unbeaten . . . he is a senior.

    It definitely between those 2 for me, with McFadden a clear third.
  3. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    I sure did enjoy Brennan last night, he wouldn't be denied.. having said that, I think it "should" be Tebow but because he is a freshman, I think Colt gets passed over tfor Mcf.. he has had more hype in the east..
  4. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    I think Tebow should win it. Who the hell cares if he's a sophomore? Last I checked, the Heisman is the award for being the best player in college football in a particular year. Tim Tebow is that player. Darren McFadden is an extremely close second, though, and if the people who vote for the Heisman truly take into consideration a player's class ranking (an idiotic consideration, IMO), then McFadden will probably win it.

    Brennan should get some serious consideration, too, as should Dennis Dixon. What did Oregon do without Dixon?
  5. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    Definitely Tebow.
  6. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Tebow Tebow Tebow and Tim Tebow.
  7. Kdawg954

    Kdawg954 Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I agree with Dixon . . . he obviously wont win, but top 5 would be just

    1. Colt Brennan
    2. Tim Tebow
    3. McFadden
    4. Daniel
    5. Dixon
  8. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Without a doubt Tebow.

    1. Tebow
    2. McFadden
    3. Dixon
  9. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
  10. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Wow, Hawaii just got circled on Florida's schedule for next season.

    June Jones, head coach at Hawaii, was just on ESPN and called Tim Tebow an average, system quarterback with no accuracy and said he's not a natural passer. The guys from ESPN had the "WTF are you talking about" look on their face as he was saying this. Jones said Tebow couldn't run Hawaii's system. Newsflash June, Tebow has been top 2 in passing efficiency all season.

    Unreal, I have no problems with pimping your own guy but when you go out of your way to put down the competition like that, thats no class. Can't wait til they come to the Swamp next season.
  11. Ronnie23Brown

    Ronnie23Brown Junior Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    I'd go McFadden 1 and Brennan 2. Tebow is very deserving, but I really couldn't give it to a Sophomore. That's just my opinion.
  12. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Ill go McFadden 1 and Tebow 2.

    McFadden's year to me is just more impressive than anyone else in recent memory. I cant remember a single player being so far ahead of his competition level since Peyton Manning was at Tennessee (playing anyone but Florida).

    Im not a Tebow fan, admittedly, but I think in any other year he would be my winner. His season this year is easily better then Vince Youngs season a few years back when Young accounted for 39 tds. Tebow has a combined 51. Thats some Playstation stats right there.
  13. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007

    Why? What difference does their class make? Its supposed to be the most outstanding player, not most outstanding junior or senior. Whats your logic behind that? Just curious?
  14. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Really? Interesting. I mean he's a stud no doubt. Two big games against South Carolina and LSU, broke the SEC single game rushing record. Yet 3 weak games against FIU, Auburn, and Miss State where he had about 50 yards a game.

    While Tebow scored at least 1 rushing TD and 1 passing TD in every game, broke the SEC rushing TD record, first player ever with 20 rushing TDs and 20 passing TDs, tied the NCAA record for rushing TDs for a QB which he will break in the bowl game, led the nation in passing efficiency most the year and has a higher rating than any QB ever to win the Heisman, also has more TDs than any QB ever to win the Heisman, arguably didn't have a bad game all year and has one less loss than McFadden. In the 4 games that the two played common opponents, McFadden accounted for 7 TDs while Tebow accounted for 25. I can see who had the best season in recent memory. Its just a shame that his age or the team he plays for goes against him for some people. The kid is a great person on and off the field, no one is more deserving. Nothing against McFadden.

    cnc66 likes this.
  15. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    wow, great post Derek.. I think it covers the whole situation and should end all debate.. it won't... but it should. :up:
  16. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    as much as it pains me...Tebow should get it hands down.
  17. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Tim Tebow is my choice. Not only for his achievements at Florida, but how he even got there to begin with...as a home schooled boy who was allowed by state law to try out for extracurricular activites and tried out for football at Nease Senior High School.

    A role model for others to emulate.

  18. LikeUntoGod

    LikeUntoGod Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 23, 2007
    Gainesville Florida
    If Tim Tebow was just a running QB it would be one thing. But as Motion said, he was the highest rated passer until Sam Bradford from OU took the top spot. Interestingly, most people including myself think that next year Tim Tebow's stat will be way down. The main reason he ran so much this year was our lack of running backs that could be trusted. Next year we will have a number of young guys growing up and hopefully carrying the football more. This is a one in a lifetime yeat for Tebow.

    I do like Colt Brennen and he does a lot for that team.

    McFadden does the least for his team then anyone on the list. He might not even be the best RB on their team and Ark runs like the old OSU, USC etc so his stats are inflated.
  19. HysterikiLL

    HysterikiLL Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I really wish we had the predictions thread I made back on the old board. If I recall correctly, my heisman 3 were Chase Daniel, Tim Tebow and Brennan. I think those 3 should be in the picture right now.

    I think Tebow has got it, though this guy holds on to the ball more than Kobe. And this has been a major down year for the Heisman.

    And I also can't wait for Hawaii/Florida next year. I think it's going to be great. One of my top 5 for next year. :woot:
  20. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    If Pat White wouldnt have got hurt twice this year.....he might be at the top of my list..but...
  21. djfresh47

    djfresh47 New Member

    Nov 25, 2007

    Actually the criteria from what I can tell it goes to the most outstanding offensive player at a playmaking position on atleast a good team. Before his injury I thought Dixon was the clear-cut winner and Oregon was the best team in the country. He missed too much time to get consideration.

    I'm certain Tebow will win it but i'd give it to McFadden. I really like Colt Brennan but nobody saw him play the majority of the year because of time zone differences. Everybody saw Tebow play and to take nothing away from him his hype machine started last year. If Kansas would've beat Mizzou and then Oklahoma I would've taken Reesing.
  22. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    I remember that thread too. I had Tebow as my #1.
    Nice job on Daniel :up:

    What's up with the "holds on to the ball more than Kobe" comment? Is that just a remark about how much the offense needs him to make plays, or do you think he's purposely hogging the ball?

    I don't get the down year for the Heisman comments. I guess it's because the winner won't come from a NC contender :confused2: Take a look at Tebow's numbers and compare them to the winners of the past ten years or so. Even with a "running" QB like Couch. He's having a historic year, and Brennan is going crazy as well. The down year sentiment just doesn't ring true to me. Maybe people just don't like the too good to be true kid?

    djfresh: Tebow was hyped, but not for the Heisman. I remember being confused as to why nearly none of the major publications had him as a top candidate. Tebow's press was just because of how he served as a spark plug for UF's offense.
  23. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    This is incredibly unbalanced though in that youre not accounting for the fact florida actually has talent aside from tebow. McFadden has one other talented skill player on that entire offense, Felix Jones. No one else is worth a darn. Without Tebow, I think Florida would still be a good team with a winning record because its a system making the player look better then he actually is. Without McFadden you'll see how bad his team really is next year. Theyd be winless. So you can argue that he had 3 bad games one against a top 25 auburn team and one against a good ole miss team that got blown out when Casey Dick had the game of his life and arkansas was ahead by 21 much of the 2nd half or you argue mCFadden single-handedly beat one of the top 2 teams in the country with a 240 yard- 4 td game (total offense). We can argue all day that Arkansas wouldnt even sniff the top 75 let alone the top 25 without McFadden.

    Does Tebow have that kind of impact? No way.

    Far be it for me to punish a player because of the system he plays in but Tim Tebow is a slightly better passer then Vince Young. The offensive system is to Tim Tebow/Alex Smith as Steve Spurrier was to Danny Wuerrful and Shane Matthews.

    And one other major point being missed is that because of the position played Tebow has the ball in his hands every play giving him more opportunity to account for total offense.
  24. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    No way.
  25. burger13

    burger13 New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Jersey
    Ray Rice!!!!!

    I hope he stays in school......so this time next year we can talk about all-time NCAA rushing champion Ray Rice!!

    but since he's not even a finalist, I'll say Tebow gets it. Don't care for him, but that's my prediction.

    BTW - how is Colt Brennan a finalist, and not Kevin Smith, the RB from Central Florida (2448 yds and 29 tds). The ONLY argument you could make for not including him, is the level of competition, and if that's their reason, how do they let Brennan in??
  26. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    Nothing like a little hyperbole ;) Felix Jones is an excellent back that would just love to get the opportunities left w/o McFadden. Jones rushed for 1117 yards on only 123 carries. That's a 9.1 average on 10 carries a game. Maybe Arkansas has their own pretty effective "system" for running?

    Absolute hogwash. Just because both guys are great runners and run a similar offense doesn't mean they pass the same. First off Tebow doesn't operate a one read and go offense. He stands back there and goes through progressions. Is he doing it ala Joe Montana? No, but far more than Young was required to. Also, Tebow can throw the ball down field, and often does so, and does it very well. I can't believe you just compared Tebow's passing to Young's. :huh1:

    This is certainly true.
    By your own admission McFadden had "three bad games". Tebow had zero bad games. His worst was still pretty good. It was against LSU. He was 12 of 26 for 158 yards, 46.2 completion % 2 TD's and 1 INT (this was at LSU btw). He also rushed 16 times for 67 yards and a 4.2 avg and 1 TD. BTW, the interception hit his own receiver in the helmet first.
    You mentioned UF's talent on offense, but neglected to mention their complete lack of talent at RB. Tebow HAD to be the running back and quarterback. He compiled those historic stats because he had to do it. Please don't think that anyone could have gone back there and taken that kind of punishment, in the SEC, and still be the #2 rated passer in the country. That's what really gets lost here. You've got a QB who carries the ball 16 times a game. Everyone knows he's going to run because there is no running back, and he takes all of hits. Yet he still managed pass the ball at an elite level.

    This award is for the most outstanding player. Tim Tebow tied the collegiate record for rushing TD's by a QB. The QB he tied ran a pure option offense. He also managed to pass for 29 more and do so with a rating of 177.9 which was good for 2nd in all of college football. It blows me away that it's even being debated. Tebow had a season for the record books, and McFadden's is comparable to several other backs this year, and pales in comparison to a few others. But he's the guy who should be awarded as the nation's most outstanding player?
  27. CirclingWagons

    CirclingWagons Banned

    Dec 5, 2007
    Miami, FL
    Colt Brennan
  28. djfresh47

    djfresh47 New Member

    Nov 25, 2007

    I don't think Tebow is the best player in CFB. Though I disagree with your arguement. Marcus Monk although hurt alot of this year is a talent. There FB is a talent also. Them not being 100% hurt Arkansas. I think McFadden fits the criteria best to win the Heisman but I think his own head coach hurt him. Mitch Mustain should've never been benched last year. He was like 8-0 as a starter and the speculation around Arkansas makes me wonder about everything.

    I heard Mark May discuss who is the most important player should win the Heisman and that doesn't work also. Brennan is the most important player but he plays in a mid-major so while they certainly lose a few games it's tough to gauge. That leads me to a toss-up between Tebow and McFadden. I think McFadden is a top RB but they've got Jones. Tebow had great numbers but Florida isn't the most difficult place to get talent at. Tebow will win it and the best arguement is that they lost a few games. As did McFadden but Tebow accounted for like 51 touchdowns, so he gets it. I'd fot McFadden though.

    The clear-cut winner and the best team IMO, was Oregon and Dixon but you can't miss 3 games and win. I hear people on ESPN talking about pro prospect in regards to Heisman and that doesn't matter. Tebow is 3rd in terms of guys right now in the SEC behind Stafford and Woodson but it's College and I think some media members forget that.
  29. LikeUntoGod

    LikeUntoGod Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 23, 2007
    Gainesville Florida
    They have on film when reporters told Tim Tebow about what Junes Jones said, Tebow just kinda smiled and said that he had decent stats running the "Run and Shoot" in high school.

    The truth being that he set all the Florida high school passing records.
  30. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Who was the last person to talk **** about Tim Tebow? Ohhhh Right it was Geno Hayes, and what happened to his team? 45-12.
  31. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    no doubt, tim tebow
  32. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
  33. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Davey O'Brien and Maxwell Awards are a good start. :)
  34. Motion

    Motion New Member

    Dec 2, 2007

    If your talking NFL potential right now I'll give you Woodson but Stafford has done absolutely nothing to suggest he's a better QB than Tebow, especially at the college level. He has potential but has to live up to it.
  35. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    For me, it's Tebow | Brennan | McFadden
  36. Beck2Ginn

    Beck2Ginn Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 25, 2007
    obviously Timothy Tebow. :D
  37. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
  38. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    lol pretty funny.

    Well if it isnt Tebow its rigged.
  39. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    If it's not Tebow, it's because the gaggle of angry old men who still have votes will look at Tebow's class status and immediately recoil.
  40. LikeUntoGod

    LikeUntoGod Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 23, 2007
    Gainesville Florida
    Anything think McFadden will return for a degree? It sounds like he was told, do not go to school, you can't play football. So he started doing book learning.

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