Altight boys and girls, draft night is coming, I am taking the next day out, whereas I will not be able to function very well the next day at work. That being said I wonder what type of drinks you lunatics will be consuming come draft night....
Thursday night=some beer Friday night=Vodka or Rum and Coke..we only have 1 pick. Saturday=Beer, Hot wings, pizza rolls. And I'd just like to point out that while the draft is the culmination of months of research, I really don't plan on getting watery, BTDT.
I'll probably have a few cold ones on Thursday night. Like most, I have to work Friday. Having said that, if I'm extremely disappointed or very happy about how the first round unfolds, all bets are off.
thursday: a few PBR's friday: quite a few PBR's and maybe a few shots saturday: big party at my place at night (not football related really) sunday: gatorade, toast and tylenol more than likely but I'll be here to talk about the draft. Lets all hope I'm in a good mood.
How do you keep the hot wing grease off of your keyboard RonninFin? For me, hot wings are for #1-#11 to #13 to #32 otherwise that hot wing juice will get all over my keyboard..
Napkins. Or I guess breakdown and go the boneless wing route... I'll probably pause on the wings at about pick 10 and start back up around pick 14 or 15. However, something tells me that Miami's not going to pick until the 20s...just my 2 cents.