Still playing ArmA 3 in the 506th. Crashed like crazy on my first actual official operation but everything else has been OK. Counting down the milliseconds to GTA 5 PC. I considered taking time off work for it but decided against.
I dont care for GTA any more and had zero interest in 5....until I saw that Rockstar actually decided to take advantage of #PCMasterrace and the footage looks incredible. Now im debating
At a minimum, I want to beat the main story. The console frame rate was just too sluggish for me, I stopped during the submarine heist.
Died twice of starvation because I was stupid enough to try and loot Berezino where I spawned, so yeah, its alright. New centralized loot tables or whatever they call it make it so that loot spawns where people aren't looking anymore. Tip, go to the police stations when starting out. You'll find MP5s and tons of ammo for them. I have like 7 or 8 30 round mags for it. I centralized my character and am about 3 clicks from the NW airfield so I'm gonna try to get to some heli crash sites. Or find a truck and do the heli crash site run properly.
I'm hoping my 770 (4Gb version) will run max settings with a good frame rate, but I'm not sure, even though recommended is 660 because......GTA. Started my DL now, should be 5 hours which isn't bad at all.
Do you remember GTA4's PC launch? How bad it was for like 3 patches and 6 months? Expect that. Rockstar just doesn't care about the PC anymore.
Not sure if that's still true. They've done a lot to GTA5 to take advantage of the better platforms, even allowing 4K for PC gamers. Here is something I found from the devs;
Yeah, I usually try to loot whatever I run up to and then book inland ASAP. I died of hunger a few times, which has happened maybe ONCE since launch in November of 2013 Seeing how weapon loot is more "randomized" now vs places like old gun houses (blue,yellow wooden houses) I find weapons most consistently on the patio of little offices that you cant enter. Also, little green lookout towers at prison island/jails spawn BUNCH of gear that nobody checks for, out houses and bus stops too, but im sure you know that by now. Without a dog in this fight, one could argue they took this time because they wanted to properly take advantage of #PCMasterrace's power.
Yeah man, you mentioned some good loot spots. A lot of attachments on those patios you cant enter as well, like butt stocks and silencers.
Yup yup. Do you usually go full servers or empty/private ones? I used to jump on empty servers to get geared and server hop until I got kitted and then go to full servers. Then I would get killed and be mad as hell Learned not to attached to gear and always try to go on fullest servers for the fun random interactions. Punched out a guy with a m4 the other day as a fresh spawn, and honestly felt better than most other things I've done in DayZ haha just because I immediately got geared.
With Uncharted delayed until next March, and FF15 undated (but likely 2016), and Mass Effect 4 a mystery, the only other games I may buy this year are Madden and the next AC. I'll be playing A LOT of The Show this summer.
Just Cause 3, Witcher 3, Splatoon, Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Mighty No. 9, Disgaea 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Wasteland 2, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD PS4, and hopefully Fallout 4 but probably not.
I've researched the Witcher heavily and decided against it. Maybe later as a $20 game. Got FFX last year on the PS3. Everything else is just not my thing or not on the PS4.
Anybody try Rust. Played last few days, holy addicting. If I had to compare it, i'd say it's a mix of Minecraft and DayZ.
[video=youtube;Qq3CshARUBo][/video] I make a brief, uncredited cameo appearance. Edit: 8:02, the dude in the center holding up the M4. Because someone actually asked.
Witcher 3 which is gonna be ongoing for quite a while, or at least until Arkham Knight is released in 3 weeks. Also playing some Saints Row 4/Gat Out of Hell on PS4. It's currently just $15 on the PSN store right now .
I haven't put The Show back in since getting The Witcher, but those two will be all I play until Madden. And I don't know if I'd even make Madden an August purchase this year if I weren't so excited to play with the Fins, honestly.
War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition... The same game I have been playing for the last 20 years, if you go back to it's Great Grandpa - Pacific War (on DOS) in 1992. Gary Grigsby roots. It is not a game for everybody - it is the ultimate strategic game about the Pacific Theater of which I know. You have got to be a little nuts, because it can take several hours to set up one turn in the game, and up to two days to set up turn one. It begins at about 1030 AM Dec. 7, 1941, and the game players has just been handed Command of the entire Pacific Campaign from the West Coast to India, from the Aleutians to New Zealand, and it includes China if you really want to get in deep.
Looked into it Rev. It seems like a very deep game with a significant learning curve. I can see how it would appeal to the true strategy players and war buffs. I myself don't quite have the patience.
Gah, I've been on the fence about it but my brother-in-law plays it and if people on this forum play it.. Well let's just say you guys are making me want to get it. Rocket League comes out later today, and it's free for PS Plus owners. I played the beta and it was a hell of a lot of fun, so I cannot wait to get home from work tonight.
I was adamant about not touching it when there was going to be a subscription fee. Even after it was announced that wasn't going to be there, I was still hearing lukewarm things about the game. But then I started reading various reviews and the common thread in all of them was that they all seemed to be extremely impressed with how well they responded to and applied feedback from the Beta and how much better the final product was. I am a tiny fraction into the game but so far it plays very similar to Skyrim which is just fine by me. Haven't dabbled with any community or group stuff yet.
I wish that the PS4 tracked time played in the Witcher properly. I'm curious about how much time I've put into the game over the last two months, lol. Its a lot.
It is. It's on a B2P model much like Guild Wars 2, except you can't play Guild Wars 2 on a console. The new expansion for FFXIV came out a couple weeks ago, and apparently it's pretty sweet, so that's also an option if you've got the console MMO itch. FF, however, is buy to play and subscription-based. I played it for a solid amount of time, it's a good MMO. I wish someone would take the ideas of Tera Online's battle system and make a console MMO. I played Tera for a bit on PC with a 360 controller and the battles were a blast. Unfortunately everything else in that game is pretty run-of-the-mill.
It does have a subscription but it is totally optional. You get full access without. Having the subscription gives you nominal exp (leveling/crafting) bonuses and 1500 crowns a month. (Crowns are used to buy special items like mounts and pets from the ESO store). Gold is the in game money. You just have to buy the game like you would any other. Its a blast.
Just 100%'d Arkham Knight. I still have to play the Harley DLC, except the game won't let me for some reason (thanks, WB!) I'm looking forward to the Batgirl DLC, but who knows if it'll actually come out for the PC, given that sales are suspended.