I have a feeling it will happen... If its filled for the first time in awhile, the atmosphere will be electric and I think the team will definately feed off that.
I'll have to stick w/ my DTV Sunday Ticket again next week, but I'll scream really loud!! Wish I could be there!
I would give anything to have season tickets down there guys, but here in Michigan there is only so much I can do. I just hope we can get a home playoff game, and just imagine how the fans would just be electric in that enviornment.
Good for you, have fun!!! I usually catch the phins in Barfalow each year (not going to Toronto this year ), but a trip to Dolphins stadium is a treat. Hopefully, they'll reward your investment w/ a big "W."
We'll be there. More people probably had tickets for this game anyway. New England is a bigger draw than Oakland. Still, the stadium looked pretty good today. More than last week.
its a tough one. the miami market is just not a frothing at the mouth, rabid fanbase. its just not that kind of city, demographically speaking. theres tons of dolphin fans nationwide though, i mean hell, im a season ticket holder and i live in NJ. we have a great fanbase, but miami is not one of those "difficult" places to play. but i sure hope the fans come out and make a difference next week anyway.
Hey, how do you make that work? I may not be able to pull off season tix anytime soon, but when my kids are older, I'd love to make it down for 3-4 games a season if I could. Might be possible. For now, I'm stuck catching them in Barfalow. And that usually doesn't turn out that well ...
I just hope not so many Pats fans as usual are there. As I said in another thread, we're taking two extra people who don't usually go, so we'll represent, LOUDLY
i go to as many games as i can, and sell the other tickets on ebay. it used to be profitable actually...but the last 2 years i've taken a bath. i go with my brother. me and 2 of my 3 older bro's are huge fans. and the 1 is my season ticket partner.
I'll be at the game. I have about 8-10 friends that wanna go. Anyone know where a good place to buy a bunch of tickets together would be? We aren't exactly rich :P
you dont know how much that hurts a fan like me to hear that...Hearing Joey call us out today hurt bigtime. I think what has happened, is that we have built up momentum like this on many occasions in the past and have been let down....we have not closed on those games.. I think each side shares the blame, along with having an unfriendly configuration of a stadium that keeps fans from making an impact. Anyways...at some point WE HAVE TO CHANGE!!! A football team WILL NOT SUCCEED without a 12th man, WE MUST be conscious and aware of what that means....It meanS getting off our butts and getting in our seats early, it also means forcing yourself to scream, thats right force yourself, dont worry that noone next to you isnt doing it, {its their ego that keeps them from doing it} BE LOUD BE PROUD. Now iam sure that most of us on this board is not like how iam describing because were fanaticals, BUT, if what i said hits home i hope you take it personally. Just go to your seats early and scream....PLEASE.
I don't think Joey was calling anybody out, he was just stating the obvious. A lot of franchises would suffer attendance problems going 1-15, raising tickets prices, and dealing with economic hardships all at once. Games that matter put fans in the seats.
I think it is our duty to teach other fans how to be a fan, obviously we here on these boards are not the ones iam worried about. Lets show them what they need to do.
its not so much a matter of locals not rooting for their team, as it is locals preferring to play/watch jai-alai and soccer...or catching the early bird at 2:30 on Sunday. Its a demographic thing thats part of the problem. Its not having weak fans, just certain markets are simply smaller in support numbers than others. your post is reaching people who live hundreds/thousands of miles away from miami, not just south florida residents. thats whats both good and bad about the Dolphins. they have fans all over the country in strong numbers...but Miami itself does not have that very strong support, like a NY, Chicago, Philly etc...
well my friend, then winning it all becomes a little less sweet imo. I want our players to respect us. What can we do man? I think its a very serious situation and waiting for a big game to cure it is just like putting a band aid on a surgery. One thing that is encouraging to me is that even though our fans do not know the importance of getting there early, i have noticed that these last two games have been almost full, this week moreso then last. With that, i feel relative to the games importance, i believe it to be an improvement from the past....{think not selling out a playoff game} To look at this positively, i dont know if its wishful thinking, but i have noticed a surge in crowd noise levels, i think were getting better then the past. I also believe our crowd knows when to trust our team. How long have we gone without an identity of defense and toughness? 35 years or so...maybe that has something to do with it.
How about you find out which hotel the Patriots stay at and make sure that if there is a fire(s) around 1-4AM that some upstanding citizen does them a favor and pulls the fire alarm.
somebody needs to videotape you on this journey..it would be an instant classic, i dont know why brother but iam getting a kick out of you traveling across the country to watch your beloved phins...going to their hotel, screaming at the stadium...lol.. There is one good sign that has already happened. Joey putting his voice out there for us too show will motivate him even more and we all know this team follows his emotional leadership, either that or our fans will show their azz, the team will notice and we will be toast. Its gut check time for miami dolfans, iam tellin yall right now, we better do all we can to get people in their seats before that game starts.
Haha nice I think they always stay at the same hotel though. I remember reading an article on Tom Brady that said he hated staying at the hotel in Miami because we always made him look bad.
gonna be @ the pats game with the nephew, up in 442. 50 YARD LINE!!! We'll definitely be making a lot of noise, hopefully we don't lose our voices before the end of the game. Definitely gonna be in Dolphins duds, maybe a flag or smtn for moral support.
They (and other teams) always stay at the Westin, off Commercial. Not that I condone any fire violations. I was at a wedding there a Sunday evening a few years back before we played the Pats on a Monday night. Saw all of them. I got Adam V. mixed up with Tom Brady, and he was NOT humored. Some of them even came into the reception and danced. It was pretty funny. Dolphins won the game the next day, btw.
Does anyone have 1-3 CHEAP tickets? Im a STH, and I sold my tickets awhile back thinking it would be a meaningless game(That we would be like 3 games above the Pats already), so like an idiot sold them. So if you could help a fellow Fins fan out, thanks.