well you need a certain amount of germs and viruses so your body knows how to fight them. No wonder people who drink all the time have health problems.
all due respect, no problems that you know of. all my grandma does is smoke ciggs and drink coffee, she was fine up until last year. if it doesnt affect you soon enough, itll make your senior years miserable for sure.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmas health. I wish my grandpa wasn't an alcoholic but I guess some people were made for certain things.
Errr... that's not true unless you drink from your toilet. Sorry to be a buzz killer. It's the microbiologist in me. It takes 4 drops of bleach per gallon of water to kill all bacteria in water. That is less than the average amount of choline that most municipal water supplies use. Most tap water is bacteria free. Also, E. coli is not "poop" but is just one of the coliforms in feces. Most E. coli are harmless. Your gut has billions of them. BUT ... wine and other alcoholic beverages are a good way to avoid any bacteria and is a key to good times.
Yeah, I didn't know it was a joke when I opened it, but even with just my one year of micro and public health, I knew it was way off. Then when the word "poop" showed up I knew better .