OK. I just saw some news that a volcano in my area spewed off some gas in the last day or two. The last time it did it, it dusted my car back in Oct '04. Not a big deal, but worthy of noticing when mother nature throws dirt at you from the sky. For those of you who are interested, here's some links to the cameras watching Mount Asama: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/camera_map/ If you click on the red dots it'll bring up the camera pictures. The link at the top shows it in video form, at the bottom brings the calendar up to view previous days. Example: If you click on the red dot to the left and closest to the mouth of the volcano, you get the below link: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/sakuken/ The video at the top for August 11th for that camera: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/sakuken/html/20080811l.html The calendar for that camera: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/sakuken/ If you have any volcano stories, please feel free to post them in this thread. I'm sure there's some folks out there who experienced the Mount Pinatubo devastation in the Phillipines back in the early 90s who might want to share. From: http://mdn.mainichi.jp/national/news/20080811p2a00m0na006000c.html
There's a new camera up at the lip of the cauldron if anyone is interested. It went up yesterday. Nothing spectacular, just gas coming up from the depths. http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/eri_kakoe/
Close enough to get dusted, but not close enough for worry. The below massively long link shows how far away I am. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=e...47,139.00177&spn=1.561599,2.39502&z=9&start=0 As I said before, there's no warnings up and it's barely being reported in the news at all. I just happened to run into a side article that mentioned it and I hit the web cams site like I did back in 2004 simply because we got dusted back then--had to wash the gunk off the car. The new camera next to the cauldron indicates that there's someone interested in what's going on up there geologically, but so far no real news. There a quite a few folks who live very close to this volcano, so I believe that if there were something big about to happen, someone would say something and evacuations would happen. That's simply not the case at the moment and this is mainly just of interest to anyone who happens to like looking at steaming volcanoes. Thanks for your concern.
Mount Asama. Still Smokin' but causing no problems. This one is 30 minutes ago from the same camera as the one above this pic:
The camera's been up there a while. I'm wondering if there's a permanent power-line up the slope or if someone has to go up and change out batteries every few weeks or something. Not a job I would want with all the sulphur and nasty gasses about.
See post #4. It has a link to a map and everything. Looks like it was a bit more active today. EDIT: Removed RED X Link. The volcano is 65 miles NNW of here.
I'm far enough away where I don't have to worry about running away. I probably would have to clean up so ash and wear a facemask or something but I don't think I'm close enough to have large rocks rain down on me or anything. Then again...I've never been around a volcano when it's throwing up big rocks, so...
Had a nice one last night. Made the news finally. http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/tonesabo/ 2am shots http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/maechan2/
A nice video clip for you: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/maechan2/html/2009020202m.html Lots of volcanic dust in the air today. I took some pics of my car with some dust on it that I'll upload later. Most of the problems today are for folks with breathing issues. Although I do say I'm glad I work inside as I wouldn't have wanted to breathe that mess today. EDIT: Better Video: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/maechan/html/2009020202m.html
There's one erupting in Alaska as well; it's causing the Air Force to evacuate planes and personnel to McChord AFB here in WA. And we had a 4.5 earthquake near Seattle a few mornings ago. It's The Apocalypse, I tell you.
I had heard there was one about to blow in Alaska. Link? Now we just have to hope Yellowstone doesn't join in the mix. The ground has been shaking quite a bit there of late.
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hcWJaxwgurm_TV9AVcObQBWbS25QD961D1MO0 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0PmzB3Gnxo&fmt=18"]YouTube - Mount Redoubt Volcano Likely to Erupt in Alaska[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xea4Ogxnay4"]YouTube - Mt. Redoubt Volcano Using Max Viz Infrared[/ame]
Agreed. I hope yellowstone doesn't ever erupt ina major way. Things here have gotten better since the initial ash dumping (see pics--my car is on the right). There was about another 5 or 6 hours of ash floating through the air after the pics were taken. I stayed inside for most of the day. While the mountain is still steaming (see any of the above posted links), it's not spewing out ash into the air at this point. We're hoping it settles down, but volcanos are a bit unpredictable.
University? Which one? EDIT: If you mean, The Univeristy of Miami, between 7,456 and 7,459 miles according to Google map.
Yes, there are a lot of little cars here in Japan. My car, of which you can only see the roof, is bigger. It seats 7. I own a Toyota Gaia.
I heard on a NatGeo program that if the Yellowstone volcano erupted with the same proportional intensity as Mount St. Helen's, it could decimate most of the west coast.
The University of Tokyo is about 20-30 miles from me and further from the volcano, so about 85-100 miles from the volcano. Many places further than I am got dusted, others didn't get any based on the winds that blew and the time. EDIT: There are many colleges in "Tokyo." The college my daughter goes to is closer to the volcano (Teikyo Science and Technology University).
I've heard that it would spread ash across most of the US. It's all speculation, but scary all the same. They talk about a 200-year flood here in Tokyo and that if one of the levees on the Arakawa river were breached that the flooding could be as bad as what New Orleans suffered. Link goodness: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20090125a5.html http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20090124p2a00m0na006000c.html The water would be 5 meters deep in some places. http://www.****edgaijin.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21406&highlight=arakawa (edit four-letter word, starts with F) http://www.ara.go.jp/english/arahzd/top.html
Things are hot on the volcano tonight! http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/maechan/html/2009021219m.html
PM Sent. Lots of fire today (right now as well): Check it out here: http://bousai.maechan.net/volcano/asama/maechan2/ Click on the hour links to see time-lapse shots for that hour (Yes, the number with the kanji by it that looks like this: 23時 )
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/blog-post/2011/01/japan_volcano_erupts_prompts_e.html http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20110129p2a00m0na012000c.html Far to the south of me.