This came out a while ago... I don't know why I didnt buy into the hype. Today my buddy bugged me enough so I'd download the tech demo. HOLY F'n CRAP. At this point it's not a game yet... Just a controllable level. But it's nothing short of amazing.Cloth physics, realtime lighting, realtime reflections, running water. These screens are from the game running on my phone... Color me floored. It's a free app for iPhone4 and iPad (and the new gen iPod Touch). TRY IT! EPIC CITADEL
Yeah, I downloaded this a month or two ago...pretty impressive. They show it in one of the Apple commercials, and they have two knights fighting...can't wait to see what's up with that!!
Grabbed it a couple of months ago when it came out. Stunning. Can't wait till they actually do something with it.
Honestly, I think the iPhone version of Rage looks better. Plus it’s an actual game!
I know I'm dating myself here, but is this Unreal like....Unreal Tournament family? UT/Quake II were the last games I played. Amazing to think that stuff would end up on a phone.
Rage is $0.99, but Rage HD (with high-res textures for the Retina Display) is $1.99. That’s a bit of a dick move, IMO.
Either way the game is a major disappointment. It's just a very pretty rail shooter. No freedom to control the character at all. boooooooo Two thumbs way down
What did you expect? They’re not going to release the full game a year early for iOS. But for 2 dollars, it should be fun enough, plus it’s a nice tech demo for anyone who wants to get a foothold on the platform. id Tech 5 (powers Rage and Doom 4) is going to be big for them. It runs on four OSes: Windows, Linux, OS X, and iOS.
Infinity Blade from Epic is now available on the App Store. This is the game that Epic Citadel tech demoed. Ars Technica has a review: