anyone else watching this? Ive teared up like a friggin baby every episode. i guess its because iam a new parent....and imagining going through what some of the problems the characters go through in the show is hitting me hard. I couldnt imagine my son having autism. But its a reality, and COULD happen. and seeing them respond and how they acted and when the father told HIS father "somethings wrong with my son" as he was starting to cry....ate me alive. it was so real. great show. good actors, its funny, and its real. i love it thus far...
i dont expect you to understand. and i hate when people used to tell me that. but seriously, i have a boy now....and all i do when i watch stuff like that is immediately imagine my son going through that, and it breaks my heart. if that means i give up my "man card" so be it. but guess what....i got proof my "man parts" just jerk off into a wash cloth.......soooooooooo
that's because Dove body wash is a great lubricant! honestly though I can't really comment, I dont usually watch network television. at all, really. plus im a single bachelor who's not looking forward to parenthood(just not for me). so yea, i dont get it.
i wouldnt think itd be so bad. in way i imagine you kind of get to relive your childhood through your kid. I sometimes think how bad *** would it be to have a son who loves ninja turtles and the miami dolphins as much you do? im stoned.
While you two yoyos bicker about nothing I'd like to add I've watched the show since it started and I like it. The ensemble cast is great
Like an old girlfriend once said to me as I blubbered through some chick flick: "I didn't know they made sissies that big." j/k
where the **** have you been?!?!? thats like a cop that just disapears and makes a random arrest of a kid stealing a lolipop 7 years later.......thats bull****!
that's a great new show! "Moonlanding" and "Splashdown" quite possibly the funniest thing I've seen on TV in a very long time.