So I'm looking for a new HDTV for football season. Since I'm putting it in my bedroom, I'm looking at around a 26-32 inch. My first question is how much of a difference is there between 1080 and 720? And what are some brands I should look at or stay away from. The main feature I'm looking for is obviously a crisp, clear, great picture. This is the one I have my eye on. It's a 27 inch Samsung 1080 for $380. Seems perfect. Perfect size, top notch brand, good price. Only thing is it has gotten mixed reviews.|79|2341&N=4001374&Mo=40&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=2341&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&topnav= What say you?
I'm no expert but I recently got my girlfriend a 26 inch Samsung and it's awesome. Great picture and sound. When I talked to the guy at Best Buy, he told me that there's no real difference between 720 and 1080 and suggested to go with the 720 one because it was cheaper. The 720 and 1080 TVs were right next to each other and I really couldn't tell the difference. That price is a very good deal. I think the one I got was around $360 or so and the TV that was 1080 was like $420. Other brands that I heard were good is LG and Toshiba. I have a 32 inch Toshiba and like it a lot but if I were to get a new TV today I'd pick up a Samsung, I've been really happy with the one I got my girlfriend. I've also been told to say away from Sony's by multiple people at Best Buy. Hopefully that helps.
Yes that is very helpful. My dad said the same thing about the 1080/720, but since most 1080's are over $400 and this one is $380 I might as well go with the better option.
I own 2 LCD HDTVs, a 32" Vizio and a 37" Sylvania. I believe both are 720 but I don't really remember. I can say though that both have good picture and sound. I use the Vizio for my 360 and it's just fine. I have my eye on a tv at Best Buy though. It's their 42" Plasma Insignia. It was $449 a week or two ago. Hopefully it stays that cheap for a few months.
On a 32" and below TV, I cannot tell the difference between 720p and 1080p. But then again, I don't have the greatest eye for detail. I'd say a decent 720p 32" TV in your bedroom would be perfect. I'm not a huge fan of Vizio (been burned), but a few companies that make excellent TVs (without having to pay Sony money) is Westinghouse, Philips, LG (Whom I believe Philips owns). I stay away from Sony and Samsung as they're a tad over priced due to name brand. Toshiba makes some nice sets as well, but I've never owned one. Hope this is useful
Please don't listen to big box drones. Oftentimes they know less than the customer does. That said, he's somewhat right, but not in the way you think. The smaller the set becomes, the tougher it is to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p; and conversely, the larger the set, the clearer the difference becomes. I have a 32'' 1080p set which I use as a PC monitor as well as a TV display, so I can see the difference, but not everyone can. The big problem with sub-46'' sets is that they use inferior display panels. Color reproduction isn't as good, response time is slightly laggier, and so on and so forth. I'd really try to look at mid-sized sets, as they're cheap enough these days to be worth the purchase, bedroom use aside. If you're dead set on a sub-46'' TV, then I'd look at Samsung, maybe Panasonic, and maybe Sony. The budget outfits like Vizio and Westinghouse sacrifice quality for a less expensive product, and while a lot of people can't tell the difference, a lot of people also think that buying an HDTV is enough to get an HD picture without realizing that they need to pay for an HD source as well.
Yes you're right I've heard that from many people since my TV purchase and the guy at BB actually told me exactly what you just said.
$429... and this is the best deal I can find on a 42 inch anything.
Yeah, definitely don't get 1080p for a 32". You're just paying for something with no use at that point. I was able to find a 37 inch Sylvannia on Craigslist for $300 and I love it, not a problem. You can find excellent deals on Craigslist if you take the time to do the research. I found mine by watching the electronics section every day for TV's around my size, and then researching ones with good prices. You can also just search for the keyword 32" and browse those. Craigslist isn't for everyone though, there obviously some risk. If you do your research and ask the right questions though, it pays off.
What about Dynex and Sharp? Anyone have experience with either as far as HDTV's? Best Buy has a 32 inch Dynex on sale for $310. Solid reviews too. I just get very nervous about buying electronics that aren't made by the big brands.
All I can after my OFF BRAND experience...Panasonic and Samsung are the only top brand for me.
Right now I think I've narrowed it down to LG, Philips, Panasonic and Dynex. All 32 inches. Dynex is about $80 cheaper than the other three but I don't mind paying the extra cash if I know I'm getting a better TV.
Dynex is Best Buy's store brand. I would not buy a store brand TV for serious viewing. Sharp is solid. Their prices tend to be all over the map, though.
We actually have two Dynex 32's at home, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom (for my wife, I don't watch TV in there... ). Right now I'm too cheap to upgrade the receivers for HD (I do have a 46 in Panasonic 1080 on an HD DVR in the "family" (MINE) room). Anyway, the make is okay, it's actually Best Buy's own brand, the issue however is that my DirecTv remote that doesn't work any of the TV functions (power, volume). DirecTV does have about a 1,000 different TV's that it can work with on the remote control, but NOT Dynex. So beware of that, you'll be using both remotes until they fix it if you have DTV. Could be the same if you have cable too...depending on the cable box.
That's it. 4.7 out of 5 on the reviews too. I've been wary about buying a Plasma but I might change my mind if the price stays the same
Around $400. I've decided to go with the 32" LG, on sale for $385. After doing research last night, LG seems to be the best along with Sony for HDTV's. The reviews for the specific TV I want are very good as well. Always liked LG and felt it's the way to go. Thanks for the help everyone.
I <3 my 46 inch Sony Bravia. Was closer to 700 bucks than 400 though Was badass though I ended up getting a best buy card, putting just under half on credit (no interest for 18 months **** ya) figured wasn't a bad way to build a little credit.
I recently picked up a Panasonic Viera 1080p plasma 42" and couldn't be happier with the picture. There is a little bit of glare but nothing horrible. My problem is that is seems to screw up my remote control for my ATT U-Verse. I called and they gave me some BS about how plasma screens interfere with remote control signals. Is this BS? I am on my second remote and have the same problem.
Insignia is a Best Buy brand that they told me was made by LG. don't know if it's true or not, but it is a nice TV for not being a "Brand" name. I bought a 52" Samsung from Best buy a year ago and love it. It's not Plasma, but a LCD and I love it.
A lot of times multiple pieces of tvs are actually made by the competition. So part of the Insignia may be made by LG (if it isn't in its entirety).
Stitches, I think your audio/accessory stand there on the right is the same manufacturer as my TV stand I bought from Sears. Glass shelves, three levels, love that thing, not as much as I love my TV however.|TV+Stands+%26+Entertainment+Centers^storeOrigin|Sears^Price|15.75-299.99
pretty sure it's a Tech Craft.. the one I have was in the $200 range. With two small kids, I worried about them breaking it (or the TV, which is part of why I went with a plasma)... but that stand is a beast...
put it in a closet and get IR repeater then.... I gaffled an entire closet for my components.....yeah my chick none to happy....I saved ALOT of room, 50 inch on the wall, everything in the closet......sucked rigging everything though the attic though...
I heard that too though I thought I heard it was made by Samsung. Either way though for that price, I wouldn't mind if it wasn't the greatest TV on earth.
TX-SR876? I wish I had a closet to mount everything in (hate my current cable management), but I really can't set it up much better given the layout of the house (I'm going to move the right speaker right next to the TV as opposed to the right of my AV rack this weekend once I get a longer HDMI cable).
I'm sure you know is the place to go for HDMI cables... i bought a few longer ones the other day (you can never have enough in this day and age). BTW, that doesn't look like 73 inches... How far back is your couch?
About 10-12'. It's an "L" couch so closeness varies. And if there are any football games in 3D this year, people are more than welcome to come over.