Former Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville has been named the next football coach at Texas Tech, the school announced Saturday. His deal is for five years and in the range of $2 million a year, a source told's Chris Low. "It's great to be back in the game again," Tuberville told's Ivan Maisel when reached on his cell phone in Auburn, Ala. Texas Tech made the offer, and Tuberville accepted, a little before 2 p.m. EST. A news conference was set for 3 p.m. ET Sunday in Lubbock. Tuberville and his family flew in Saturday night.
Yeah, welcome back to Mediocrity Texas Tech Craig James son, whether right or wrong, will be scorned in the Texas panhandle for decades
Bad fit imho, Tubberville is accustomed to "cadillac" programs, TT is anything but that, they should have went after Gus Malazhan or our own David Lee.
The big 12 recruits defensive players as an afterthought .Tuberville will give TT a more SEC type of look and that could be positive.
I think this is a bad fit. He is going to change there whole offense but defense should improve very quickly