These next three games

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Rick 1966, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    The next three games against the Commies in DC, the Titans and the Jets are must-win for us.
    Because the three after that are Dallas, at Baltimore and Buffalo. Now, maybe Buffalo is beat up and beat down enough that we can beat them in Miami, but I don't think we're winning against Dallas or Baltimore.
    We could make the playoffs at 10-7 but 11-6 will, I believe, win us the division. And I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to have to count on that last Bills game to win the division. If it comes down to that, we always lose and we'll lose this time, too. If the Bills drop a couple games between now and then and we don't need the game to win the division, then we'll win it. But if the pressure is on, I don't believe we will.
    Winning these next three, very winnable games will likely hand us the division.
    I hope they don't screw this up.
    Hooligan and resnor like this.
  2. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Rick has them losing the last three games. Two at home where Miami is damn near unstoppable.

    Come on, Rick. 14-3 baby
    Ronnie Bass and Puka-head like this.
  3. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    No, I have us definitely losing Dallas and at Baltimore. If we win the next three, then we also probably win at home against Buffalo. The key is to make sure we don't HAVE to win that game.
    resnor likes this.
  4. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Obviously they can win those games but it would be better if they didn't have to.

    If you don't think they can then you have to think they are going 1 and done in the playoffs in which case winning the division means little.
  5. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    No, if we win the division, then we're assured a home playoff game.
    resnor likes this.
  6. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Ok but you are still saying they can't beat one of the top teams even at home. So you are just hoping they get an easy matchup in the first week before getting shelled the next week? In a year when the AFC teams are far more flawed than expected?
  7. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    Dallas is not one of the teams we'd be playing in the playoffs, so your point is somewhere far off in the weeds. We play Baltimore on the road and they'll likely win their division so we wouldn't be playing THEM at home in our first playoff game either. Whether we face someone we can beat and whether it's on the road depends on the playoff seeds. And yes, seeing as how we haven't won a playoff game in 23 YEARS, winning even one is a huge step forward.
  8. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    I think we will beat 2 of 3 of the last games and I actually expect to win all three. Dang if I'm gonna chicken out and suggest we're going to lose a month ahead of the games. I'm cool with being honest about my assessments and I applaud OP for expressing his doubts. But I'm glad that's not me expecting to lose. LOL.
  9. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Seems like yesterday that the schedule was released and we were deemed to have the 2nd-toughest slate in the league.

    Life comes at you fast, dunnit?
  10. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Then why can't they beat Dallas who has beat as many winning teams as Miami?
  11. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Every game on the schedule should scare you. Any given Sunday we can lose. We haven’t looked dominating in these last two games out of the bye, Phillips injury and Hill getting banged up isn’t going g to help.

    I do t think we win 4 in a row here, I do think it will come down to the last game at home against buffalo for the division.

    we make the playoffs one way or anyother but we need to win the division and get a bye week honestly to have a shot.
    Csonka Marino likes this.
  12. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Yes. Fun fact. Dallas hasn't beaten an over .500 team either.
    Csonka Marino and Ronnie Bass like this.
  13. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I feel pretty confident that we win the next three games, and we'll beat the Bills at home.

    Past that, however, we're talking playoffs and the two must-win games I see are Baltimore and Dallas. I get that they won't be easy, but going into the playoffs we have to be able to beat good teams...or what's the point of making the playoffs?!? It's time we beat the good teams as well with an all-around effort.

    My "goal" for the team is to finish the season 6-0. If we lose one or two, so be it, but now is the time to find our stride and start beating the top teams as well. We will face Baltimore and KC in the playoffs, so every game matters.
    Csonka Marino, Puka-head and Hooligan like this.
  14. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    Anything can happen, but Dallas is playing a lot better than we are right now. It's not even close. Maybe in 4 weeks when we play them, they'll get hit by injuries or they'll take a step back and I won't be as certain. I can only go with what I see right now.
  15. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    I just checked my copy of Bullsh** For Dummies and it said that by rule, that game will have to be declared a tie.
  16. Hooligan

    Hooligan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Costa Rica
    Playing Dallas at home is a very winnable game. Dallas plays well at home and on the road against the dregs of the NFC East, other than that they're very ordinary. If McD can tone down the dumb play-calling it should be a fairly easy win.
    texanphinatic likes this.
  17. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Bills will be eliminated from playoff contention with two games to go.
  18. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    I wish I had your confidence. I don't. We aren't playing as well now as we did earlier in the year. Tua is turning the ball over more and we've picked up a lot of injuries, some of them that have put people out, some that are just nagging. Dallas is playing as well as any other team and I don't see any way this is an easy win.
  19. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I mean, we just scored 34 points against one of the best defenses in the league, and we held them to a single offensive TD. We held KC to two offensive TD's and shut them out in the 2nd half, then we did the same thing last week. The D is playing much better than earlier this year (Ramsey finally playing, team gelling) and it will make a big difference.

    Also, we're still the top scoring team in the league, have the most yards, etc. So where aren't we playing as well? The D is much better, the O is still moving the ball.
    Springveldt likes this.
  20. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    We scored 27, to be accurate, because one of those was a pick six. And the Jets hadn't scored an offensive TD since week 8 until we gave one up to them.

    The Chiefs' offense is doing horrible this year and they're simply not scoring in the second half. See the Eagles game.
  21. Destroyer

    Destroyer There for every play.

    Oct 25, 2010
    the jets scored a td last game.
  22. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    You're right. They did score a garbage-time TD against Buffalo.
  23. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    It was the second quarter when they scored
  24. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    But they've scored a TD since week 8 right? One could say the only offensive TD the Jets scored today was garbage time too.
  25. Destroyer

    Destroyer There for every play.

    Oct 25, 2010
    It was definitely garbage time today. They had like 50 yards of offense until the 4th quarter. D played great. Offense was the issue with the turnovers, questionable play calling and tua's indecisiveness.
  26. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    have gou watched baltimore this year?
  27. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    itsa team gme we are absolutely playing better on defense and trending up

    currently 6th ranked D in the Nfl.
  28. ExplosionsInDaSky

    ExplosionsInDaSky Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Oh my God! OP is the most negative dude on this forum.
  29. Destroyer

    Destroyer There for every play.

    Oct 25, 2010
    That's really saying something!
  30. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    Yes. I've watched most of their games.
  31. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    Yeah, right. I think we can win 11 games, maybe 12, win the division and win a home playoff game. So f**king negative...
  32. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    None of these games are out of reach. The Cowboys and Ravens are both GOOD, yes. But it's not like we some auto-loss here. Playing at home is a big deal against both Dallas and Buffalo. Neither will be pushovers, but we should be favored.

    The Ravens will be interesting. Lamar feasts on the NFC but has struggled against the AFC, and it's not like we didn't beat them last year on the road. I wouldn't favor us to win, but it's still absolutely within reason to have us come out victorious.

    That said, we should go 3-0 because the teams we are playing are hot garbage.
  33. Destroyer

    Destroyer There for every play.

    Oct 25, 2010
    Commanders fired Jack Del Rio. They might get that fired coach bump at home.
  34. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    If he was the offensive coordinator, I'd be more worried. Him getting fired wasn't nearly as important as trading away their two best defensive players.
    Destroyer likes this.
  35. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Garbage time is the second quarter?
  36. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    In that game? Hell, garbage time was any point after the opening kickoff. They got slaughtered worse than this game. The point was that holding this offense to one TD is nothing to write home about. They're historically bad.
  37. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    I’m not sure what game you’re referring to, because the Bills vs Jets was very similar to this Dolphins vs Jets game and it definitely wasn’t a worse slaughter. And a 2nd quarter TD while down 2 scores isn’t garbage time by any means.
  38. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    Dude, what point are you freaking trying to make? That the Jets are a hard out? Because they're not. That their offense is anything but putrid? Because it isn't. They're a horrible team that used to have a great defense but haven't for a few weeks now because their offense has demoralized them. They had a horrible offensive line BEFORE it was ravaged by injuries, three horrible QBs, and a damned good RB that they don't use enough because they also have a horrible offensive coordinator.

    Also, for the arithmetic challenged among us, 32-6 is indeed getting beat worse than 34-13.

    It's fine to be happy about this win. I definitely am. I think we'll beat the Jets twice, which along with beating the Pats twice, is enough to make this a good year all by itself.

    But beating the Jets doesn't make us a SB team that's going to go 8-0 the last half of the season. Neither did outlasting the Raiders or clubbing the baby seals known as the Giants and Panthers. The only thing that'll make us that is beating a good team. Home, road, doesn't matter. We need to beat a good team before we can be taken seriously as a SB contender. If we beat the Cowboys in a month, I'll consider us top-tier. Until then, I'll be satisfied if we take care of business with the next three bad teams, get to 11 wins and then MAYBE, depending on how the rest of the season goes, notching the 12th against the Bills, who will hopefully be out of the playoffs by then. A playoff win at home would be excellent, the next logical step in this team's development.
  39. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    That’s a lot of words, topic changes, and claiming I said things I didn’t just because you’re wrong.

    My point was, a 2nd quarter TD isn’t garbage time like you claimed. Then you claimed that somehow a 5 point difference with less yards, and pretty much everything being equal is somehow a “worse slaughter”. By all objective stats the games were pretty much equal. Claiming that the Bills somehow did better in a 32-6 win vs a 34-13 makes no sense. I mean, yeah, Allen played better in that game than Tua, but the Dolphins defense played better than the Bills defense. The Dolphins rushed for more yards than the Bills and gave up less rushing yards. Each defense gave up the same amount of points. The Dolphins actually did give up a TD in garbage time so I guess we can’t count that and just say the Dolphins D shut out the Bills, right? So the Dolphins actually won 34-6, which is a “worse slaughter” right? Or can only you use that excuse? The Dolphins actually out gained the Bills in total yards. The Dolphins defense allowed less rushing and passing yards than the Bills defense.

    Also, why is Dallas a “good team” and the Dolphins aren’t? Dallas has yet to beat an above .500 team and lost to the Cards.
    Tuanon4Life likes this.
  40. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    Dude, that's a rambling load of nonsense. WHO was talking about the Bills like they were world-beaters because they beat the Jets? I've said multiple times that I think we can beat the Bills at home, as long as we don't need the game. That's a knock on us, not a plus for them. The entire conversation was about whether we can beat the Cowboys and Ravens and why that makes it important to win the next three games. YOU seem to be determined to drag this onto some tangent about the Jets.

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