That's right, the stinky Jets fan has been replaced by an even stinkier Dolphins fan! Huzzah! Join Sick and Enforcerfin tonight as they recap the draft, the wild weekend that was for the New Jersey partygoers and perhaps even a few takes on some other sports topics as well! And chat is here: See you guys there!
Tried to get in, but had some troubles. I could log in using IE7, but when I went to listen to a show, it crashed my browser every time. Went to Firefox and I can listen to the show, but it won't hold my log in... At least I was able to listen in--still listening at the moment EDIT: I'm in ! Blogchat using IE7 and listening in Firefox...strange, but it works. Almost over...
Seth has a new film coming out soon and needs to focus on revising his script. In all seriousness, Enforcer is a bigger part of this website, knows about sports and other shenanigans that go on here and gives the audience a different persepctive. One that doesn't wear ugly green shaded glasses.
wow, i truly suck at remembering this show is gonna be on. i need to put it in my cell on a weekly reminder.
I acknowledged my fail in advance, therefore by rule #13471-16b of the failhorn practitioners guide....and i quote, "If a fail is acknowledged in advance by the person who performed the fail, any further fail ridicule will be considered null and void."
oh marty, I ken lee without youoo!!! [ame=""]YouTube - Language Fail[/ame]
I haven't gotten to listen to last week's show yet, so i may have missed the memo about poems.. what's all this now?
here's my first poem. I hate it, because it rhymes, but rhyming poems are easier to write: There once was a dude named Pat He was drafted to run the wildcat But then came the news we might have to choose If Chad Henne would have to be sat. For if anything happened to Penny, Who has had one injury too many, It would just be too spooky, To put in a rookie, and so we'd have to go with Henne. So what do we do, for QB3 and QB2? Maybe... we should just use Ronnie.
well c'mon I didn't know this. i Said i missed the memo, so I just thought we were supposed to post em or something. don't worry your little self there, I'm a regular Robert Frost, I'll pump out some more golden ones before saturday
good plan!!! pm them to me, or call into the show saturday night and read them.....this is going to be fun