The Official What was the last movie you saw??

Discussion in 'TV, Music and Movies' started by vmarcilfan75, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I'm on the fence. I like a lot of the actresses involved, and the idea seems good, but the trailer doesn't. Given that its free on Netflix, I'll probably see it eventually.
  2. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    If you're expecting like a James Bond or Jason Bourne type plot then you will be hugely disappointed. It's a very straightforward vehicle to deliver fun but largely generic action sequences with generic dialogue.

    Its the kind of movie I enjoy as a secondary source of entertainment while playing a game on my computer or browsing Twitter.

    It probably most aspires to be a John Wick type of film, but it's not nearly as sickly presented and definitely down a level. Enjoyable with the right expectations.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  3. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I watched half of the first John Wick, hated it, and turned it off. Definately not expecting big things from this one either.
    KeyFin likes this.
  4. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Out of curiosity, what didn't you like about it?

    Personally, I find that type of popcorn action flick "mindless entertainment" that I can watch without needing to give it my full attention. Expect lots of blood, violence, gunplay and action scenes of various complexity. Don't expect much in the way of an interesting plot or any call to reality or a grippingly cohesive story. Character development may vary, but is generally shallow and surface level.

    Enjoyable but not much depth.
    vmarcilfan75 likes this.
  5. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I'm not into those types of series either, but I did love John Wick. If someone shot my dog just out of cruelty, oh man...I don't know what I'd do. Not 'John Wick' everyone he's ever cared about, but a part of me definitely would want to.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  6. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I'm just not into endless violence. I enjoy really well done martial arts fight scenes or sword play, but other than that, MCU type of action is more my speed. And I'm not into too much blood, or scenes that focus on brutality. Just no interest/stomach for it all. Never have.
  7. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    I doubt you will enjoy Gunpowder Milkshake then. It's very much in the John Wick heavy bloody violence mode.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  8. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Thank you for that.
  9. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    **** SPOILERS ****

    So, finally watched this ... and yes, was definitely a prequel vehicle for FloPugh (terrible, I know... Lol) to replace ScarJo at some point.

    But anyway, this movie was in production since forever and this absolute Marvel movie mess is the best they could do? Ok... but hey, who doesn't enjoy watching hot women in catsuits doing flips and jumping around grunting, right?

    Poor ScarJo ... she's played this role for a dozen years, lightly or sometimes heavily, peppered in over eight or so movies and FINALLY gets her "own" movie … and it’s ... only okay. Was quite a let down actually. The director and script writers suck. But again, this was really about replacing ScarJo as it turns out she isn't really THE Black Widow after all, but only one of several/many Black Widows, in a Black Widow army... Got it.

    The movie was overwhelmingly meant for her "sister" to be the future Black Widow... or White Widow maybe. Does the name change with the cat suit color? How about "Red Widow"? After all, she's a Russkie, right? Stick her in a red suit. Lol

    And "Task Master" lol... 90's power rangers called. They want their bad guy costume back.

    Anyway, it has the usual generic Marvel back story ... General Ross or other US Military is after her. *Yawn* Then into some weird cold war type operation about a sleeper family in the 90's that should've been pre-1989, but ages/timelines so whatever.

    And exactly what six-year-old in the 90's was obsessed with Don McClean's “American Pie” song? Who writes this ****? It was like they were dead set on that song instead of finding one of a thousand early 90's songs to go with.

    Harbour’s character, Alexei, went from being a planning, scheming resourceful super spy to morphing into a cross between the big, burly, boorish Russian Archetype, and Sargent Schultz from Hogan's heroes. Loved the gold teeth and tacky tats.

    Winstone's character... you can't kill him if you can smell him... LMGDAO. Did the Rock write this part? Lol...

    Weisz's character being ostracized to living on a pig farm as a some soft of billiant neuro-super-pig-brain-scientist... but OH, she was also the architect of the death star/floating-with-built-in-flaw-to-bring-it-down-super-station... Lol...

    The movie really felt more like a Campy 80’s Roger Moore Bond movie than anything modern and it borrowed heavily from Bond, Bourne, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Hulk and Iron Man. Pour those scripts in a blender and this sort of rubbish is what you get right down to recycling The Winter Soldier for large chunks of thenarrative including the "let's bring down the big floating sky station in the sky climax and have some falling thru the air action". Woot!!

    What an absolute waste of Ray Winstone, Rachel Weisz, and Olga Kurylenko.... Their characters were so under whelmingly humdrum and stereotypical, that anyone could have played them and it actually would've been more enjoyable to see fresh faces... or like for Dreykov, played by someone who is eccentric enough to have more of the Bond-sian villain flare they were striving for like Vincent D'Onofrio or Jonny Coyne... maybe Ray just needed the money...

    Would only re-watch this starting at the prison scenes. Nothing worth watching prior to that.

    But what I liked:
    - Hot women in cat suits jumping around
    - Florence Pugh... she upstaged ScarJo in every scene, and was a far more interesting character - and she had some thickness going on, which was refreshing to see instead of the usual beanpole girls.
    - David Harbour. He stole every single scene he was in.
    - The prison scenes and breakout.
    - Boorish Alexei!!!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2021
    texanphinatic and vmarcilfan75 like this.
  10. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    I guess they just didn't feel a Brittney Spears song would bring the emotional connection of American Pie? :chuckle:

    Also, TaskMaster felt more Shredder-y (from TMNT) than Power Rangers to me.

    I agree with your like list for sure, those are definitely the highlights, and clearly this was as much a vehicle to get Pugh going as send off ScarJo. I also feel like we haven't seen the last of the Widows and TaskMaster, which (costume aside) I don't mind too much. I am interested to see if they work Pugh into the big future movies though, or if she mostly stays in the TVsphere going forward.
    cuchulainn likes this.
  11. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I fully expect her to become a big part of the movies. She's going to be in the Hawkeye series next, but it seems likely that they're building something bigger. Fans in general absolutely loved her and the character. And given that she's only 25 - the same age Johansson was when she started with Marvel, there's no reason not to.
  12. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    Well, in fairness, Deadpool had already taken Salt-n-Pepa's Shoop... Lol

    Coulda went with some big hair band ballads tho, or something from Madonna or Mariah.

    If they bring Malina back as the (or an) Iron Maiden, be curious to see how bad they do that costume as well.

    Agree on Pugh. She's shorter n thicker than ScarJo. Hopefully, they let her keep that plump *** n don't Hollywood diet her too much. Put her in a brown catsuit and call her the "Brown Recluse". Lol
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  13. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    Hawkeye is such an unneeded character in all these movies... they really didn't need him or Black Widow. She was mostly just eye candy.

    Hopefully the series will have him with the sword as "Ronin" the assassin, just wiping out thugs.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
  14. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I thought Black Widow added something. She was one of my favorite characters.

    Hawkeye I agree.
  15. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    They mostly used her as Martin to the Hulk's Lewis...

    Other than that, she was just there. No super powers or abilities. Just eye candy.
  16. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    The trailers don't really show that at all. Unless they are trying a misdirection, Kate (I think that's the young lady Hawkeye's name?) is trying out some vigilantism so the real Hawkeye tries to stop her and ends up basically mentoring her, leaving his family again lol. Dude just needs to stay retired.

    Have you seen the "What If ..." series? Widow plays a big role in several episodes and completely outclasses Hawkeye. It was interesting to see the writers really lean into her on those (even though it wasn't ScarJo doing the voice).

    Hawkeye did have the one great moment in Ultron though with his pep talk speech to Scarlet Witch where he goes meta and talks about being there with a bow and arrow not making any sense but he just rolls with it.
    cuchulainn likes this.
  17. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Sorry do not agree
  18. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    I'm rooting for Alexei to get his own movie in the same sort of ambiance and feel of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, with more boorish humor.

    Black Widow can have a cameo in it.

    Hate the last Hellboy with Harbour as "Red" was so God awful terrible.
  19. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Well, that's highly unlikely given that Harbour is already 46 years old and the MCU slate is full through the end of 2023 at least. But we'll see what happens with Yelena's character in Hawkeye and where that takes her, and he could get a supporting role/cameo in future projects that involve her.

    As for Scarlett, she was already very likely done with the MCU after the movie, and then her public drama with Disney over the money likely put the final nails in that coffin.
    cuchulainn likes this.
  20. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I agree with you. Its always frustrating when a young healthy actress makes it big, and suddenly someone gets in her head and she ends up losing far too much. Scarlett herself had stories around the time she was cast in Iron Man 2 because she had lost weight, and made the comment (most think sarcastically) that directors think she's too sexy and distracting when she's curvier.
    Claymore95 and cuchulainn like this.
  21. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Ok, saw Dune ...

    It's the kind of movie that film as a medium is all about. You don't need to have read the books to enjoy it, nor do you need to be a sci-fi geek. My wife, who has neither read the books nor enjoys sci-fi said she like it way better than expected. Me, who has read the books and loves sci-fi, loved it.

    It's a visually spectacular film, an absolute triumph in that regard. The plot didn't seem to deviate too heavily from the books from what I remember (it's been a few years) and was solid enough. The acting and casting were all spot-on. Musical score very good.

    I would say - not necessarily as a negative, but as something that definitely you may not get from the trailers - that it is very much a slow burning film leading up to a few specific set scenes. It's got a ton of set-up, politicking, jumping around and exposition. Basically, don't go in expecting a sci-fi action romp. There IS action, but it's not a constant thrill ride, it's measured.

    If you saw Villaneuve's Blade Runner film, it's paced/measured similarly, and equally if not more visually incredible.
  22. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    This is my first exposure to Dune. I thought it was fine. Though kind of boring. I will watch the second one. I am happy I watched it at home so I can pause it and do something else for a bit because it felt like it dragged to me.

    My biggest issue with the movie is that it ends terribly. The last "battle" felt pointless and I didn't really understand why they thought that was a good battle to end on. I know people say that about Lord of the Rings, however, that last battle was awesome and Boromir died after the betryal. It was exciting and meaningful.

    The last battle felt none of those and was a bummer to end it on.

    I thought of writing spoilers, however, I think saying the movie has battles isn't a spoiler.
  23. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it. I just have no real desire to see it whatsoever.
  24. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I only watched it because it was on HBO Max and Dune is such a big sci-fi series.
  25. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Nah it definitely has battles, it's just not the level of action you might expect out of like a Star Trek or most Marvel movies or something. It's an artsy film, much moreso than an action film. I can see how it felt boring in parts, but I actually feel like seeing it in the theater might have helped more with immersion. My wife - again, not a sci-fi person at all - enjoyed it, whereas at home with distractions I think she might have felt more ambivalent.

  26. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I know it has battles, it is just the final one is anti-climatic and didn't feel satisfying.

    Like when I watch a movie I like the end to be a catharsis of some kind. Like I understand this is like the story of a magic space Mohammed. It just needed a parting of the red sea moment before going to wonder the desert, IMO. I don't want to go into spoilers but the final battle, I felt nothing and I think he messed up but I don't really know.

    I didn't use an Islam reference because I know nothing about Islam.
  27. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    The bleak, miserable setting. And as you yourself said, how slow and drawn out it likely is. I'm familiar with the universe of the books and the setting, and its just strongly unappealing to me.

    I don't need a movie to be all action. That's as boring as one with no action at all. But I need the plot to move, and I need for there to be characters that I like and root for, and I need for aspects of the movie to give off some positive vibes in the end.

    A lot of media the last decade or so, both movies and TV, has been stuff that I just don't ever want to see. Total downers. I'm truly grateful for the MCU, because that is very much my style.
    texanphinatic likes this.
  28. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    The setting one may not be what you think - it's not a dystopia. A decent chunk of the beginning is set upon an earth-like oceanic world. And when they arrive on Arrakis, it's meant to be both bleak yet also beautiful at the same time. A hard and forbidding world for outsiders, but for the native Fremen it holds beauty and power as well.

    The plot moves, just slowly at a measured pace. But yes, it definitely is slow at times. The characters, imo, you can absolutely like and root for. Timothee Chalamet was surprisingly good, I've never seen him before and he did an admirable job. Oscar Isaac is just a likeable guy in general, as is Jason Momoa.

    I would also say it does not end negatively, although this first part is a tragedy, it ends positively and as setup for the second half (which was just greenlit).

    I would say that if you enjoyed Blade Runner 2049, you would probably also enjoy this one. If you didn't like that one at all, then this is indeed probably not up your ally.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  29. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    The plot moved. The movie isn't all action, it is mostly plot. It is almost too much plot.

    Honestly, at least part 1, I would think most of the things you don't find appealing are not really in the movie. Unless you think desert = miserable. I found the setting very interesting. It was a joy to look at. The big worms are just amazing special effects. Unfortunatly the place doesn't looked lived in, however, the people are just moving in. Maybe their stuff is still coming when the movie happened.

    It could have used more personality, IMO, however it wasn't gritty for gritty sake.
    texanphinatic likes this.
  30. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    The Fremen are based on Bedouin and Kalahari peoples, but they themselves aren't Islamic and don't mention or worship Allah or Mohammed.

    During the battle, they were confused as to why Paul held back, but Jessica explained the reason. In the end, Paul gained their respect and they left on a journey for their main sietch with Paul and Jessica welcomed among them.

    Side note,
    the Ornithopter scene where Paul and Jessica use The Voice on the Harkkonen troops to escape was so good.
  31. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I understood that and thought it was boring and unneeded. It just came out of nowhere and the rules of "This is too the death" is just stupid. I didn't care if the guy challenged him lived or died. This was a mid-movie battle to show off cool fighting moves, not a battle to put the cap at the end of the movie. While I understand it is part one of a two-part story, however, I would like the end of the first part to feel satisfying and not filler. It wasn't even a good ending for a pilot of a TV show.

    What I mean about messing up is that he has a vision that the force told him that he must die. And he won.
  32. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Fair enough, though that scene was fairly similar to the book iirc and marks a general thematic switch from
    being an Atreides to being a Fremen
    . The way the book was written, I'm not sure if there was a better point in terms of like a Boromir-type battle.
  33. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I did not see the new Blade Runner. Didn't really appeal to me either. I looked up the director, and hadn't heard of anything he'd done beyond those.
  34. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    I saw Dune on Thursday. I think it was a good movie, but not sure I loved it.

    I have read the book, but not seen any of the prior film adaptions. I thought the movie was slow (not boring) and methodical. I really couldn't believe where it ended, just because it was going so slow. I was like, oh, it's finally going to pick up for Paul and get to the main story aspect.

    It felt pretty true to my recollection of the book (I have only read it once), and so I didn't find the final battle unusual. They could have done more to explain some things for people not familiar with the book though I think. My wife for example didn't understand the armor when I asked her about it.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2021
  35. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Watching the live action Mulon on D+ and it is absolutely godawful. It's just boring and soulless.
    vmarcilfan75 likes this.
  36. invid

    invid Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Speaking as someone who has enjoyed both Dune films, it would be better off as a limited series.
    Dol-Fan Dupree likes this.
  37. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    My wife has been trying to persuade our girls to watch it ever since we signed up for Disney+, and they absolutely refuse, lol.
  38. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Yea, that movie looks terrible. Only remake I watched was Aladdin and I thought that was enjoyable enough. The rest just look god awful. Well Jungle Book I hear is O.K.
  39. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Yeah, the live action ones (and the CGI ones) aren't good overall. I've watched most because of my kids. They were scared of The Jungle Book, and I don't like the original anyways, so we haven't seen it yet.
    Dol-Fan Dupree likes this.
  40. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Aladdin was OK. At least it was fairly upbeat and tried to capture the spirit of the original.

    Mulan... Did not. It was boring, made significant changes from the animated version, had no musical numbers. The supporting cast was essentially nameless and purposeless.

    It was just bad.
    Unlucky 13 and Dol-Fan Dupree like this.

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