***The Official PS3 Madden10 - Season TWO - ThePhins Online Franchise Thread***

Discussion in 'Gaming Forum' started by Bpk, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    haha Yeah I remember stressing that at the start of season. Mor's contact info is in the information thread if you wanted to try that route.
  2. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yep, i texted him. He said something about watching a "Sex and the City" marathon with the woman to psyched for the new movie to come out. :pity:

    I'm hoping she gives him permission to get on a bit tonight to play our game. REALLY don't want to play the CPU :up:
  3. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008
    Is that because it's more fun to play a human or because you are more afraid of the computer than mr.-my-girlfriend-won't-let-me-come-out-and-play?
  4. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    I'm not sure he would want that information public; goading him into wanting to play, smart move. heh This is just the third day since it's been advanced so... people in playoffs are just anxious to play them and people out of playoffs are ready for season to end and start over fresh. Bob said he is no rush to play me anyway.
  5. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Browns beat Falcons 42-14 score 3 of the first 4 TDs on non-offensive touches (2 INTs for TDs, and 1 Punt Return fumble for TD). The 4th was a catch and run from Johnson. The Browns didnt have a single offensive snap in the 1st Qtr but were up 14pts.

    Browns D created 6 turnover chances (4 INTs and 1 fumble recovered (2 fumbles created)) producing 3 TDs.

    Jack English only attempted 12 total passes completing 9 for 175yds 2 TDs.
    SICK and Crappy Tipper like this.
  6. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    More fun to play humans.

    This is actually about how I figured tonight would go though, just inverted the order a bit....

    1. Mor gets scared and doesn't show on time
    2. I embarrass him in front of the entire league
    3. He drowns his sorrow with a big tub of Ben and Jerry's while he catches watches Sex in the City" to see what the girls are up to.

    We'll just have to flip #2 and 3...still should be an eventful night...

  7. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008
    As dumb as it may be for me I'm actually looking forward to my week 17 game against the Saints.
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  8. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    did that approach work as a way to contact him???
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  9. rvmartinez64

    rvmartinez64 New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Bad passes from Jake Scott killed the Falcons again. BTW, there is a semi-fire sale for my team. Check the trade forum and email me at martinez.romeo@gmail.com for offers as I rarely get on this forum. Later...
  10. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    This time he's ACTUALLY NOT lieing bout that. I was so frustrated bout losing...more so to losing my chance to solidify playoffs that I'm like nah dude... I need a day. But hey if its advanced tonight...then he and I play...get it over with and I don't hafta mess with it anymore! lol. :lol:
  11. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Ya know... he actually called ME this afternoon... and I didn't think to ask him bout the possible email thing. So for now we still don't know?
    He's on my PSN now tho i guess i could ask em and get a reply back sometime???
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  12. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    haha I was just messing, like I said earlier it was just advanced Saturday morning and everyone is anxious (me included) but I understand not everyone can play instantly. As far as contacting Colts owner I sent a text asking when to play and he was available then. I have no assumptions about next week, Bob and myself have played enough that I know he has a good shot at handing me a L, and sooner or later lady luck might not be on my side. That said, I hope to crush his playoff dreams like a bug. Squish 'em like a bug I tell ya!
  13. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Yo, sent you an email... please check it soon!!!

  14. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Lets go fellas!!! are we really being held up because of a cpu game and a non playoff pvp game?
    Fin-Omenal likes this.
  15. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Mor, I can be on later tonight 9 CST if you can make it send me a text by 8 CST. If not, I'll go ahead and play the computer so we can get rolling...
    aboome and Crappy Tipper like this.
  16. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Crappy once this week is advance when can you play, after tonight my schedule becomes real busy till Saturday, I wont be able to get online til around 10pm est which would leave me 1hr before I go to bed

    also Crappy be ready because I am unveiling my playoffs offense and it will be your job to stop it, but I'm warning you its a pain in the *** to contain.
    Crappy Tipper likes this.
  17. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008
    If somehow it gets advanced tonight I can play at just about all night tonight.

    It's cute that you have a bedtime :lol:
  18. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Hey Hey ****you ******* :lol: yea bro i work early mourning and I need my beauty rest it takes a lot of work and time to look as good as the guy in my avatar:up:

    any way nappy when do u think u can get ur game in?
    Bpk likes this.
  19. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Lol.Nice, Crappy.
    Crappy Tipper likes this.
  20. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    holy **** thats a guy?!!?!? :shifty:
    Crappy Tipper and Fin-Omenal like this.
  21. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University

    Awesome, where did you learn that glitch? :shifty:
    Bpk, Starry31, SICK and 1 other person like this.
  22. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Wow that was a hell of lot faster than i thought it would take for some one to call my scheme a glitch usually im not called out til I spank sick, but fin o was the 1st to his knees so i got to please:tongue2:
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
    Bpk likes this.
  23. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    5 point victory is "spanking" me? Ok.
  24. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    O Sicky we both know wat was going down the 1st game before we got disconnected, but i think i need to remind you that I was up 35 to 17:yes: in the 3rdqtr was it? even picked off ur wildcat pitch back to the sweep guy(I'm pissed I couldn't save that highlight) now I know u dont want ur lackeys to think that ur touchable but we will see each other in the playoffs:knucks:. maybe you can get a couple more guys to give u some more players so u can compete with me:tongue2: but hey someone once told me that scheme beats talent everyday and twice on Sundays so u just might be **** out of luck.
  25. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008
    I've gotta ask, do you think that I got hosed in that deal?

    I really don't think I did. Big Ben for Hasselbeck, Lewis for Bradhshaw are no brainers to me for the style of offense I play. Carlson I didn't use, Cole is 1 of 3 guys with the same skills and rating and was expendable.
  26. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Well you're your teams GM and what really matters is how u feel about the moves u make but since u asked I will give u my opinion

    I wouldnt have made the deal but maybe its because Sick is in my division.
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  27. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    I played the CPU :( Game is out of the way. Y'all can move on now...

    Undrafted FA Azalius Phelps blew the roof off the stadium again. Guy is awesome, 800+ yards and 11 TDs in only 6 games.

    I uploaded some of the better highlights....
  28. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008

    wow you really put it all out there with Cutler. 34/50 500 yds, 7 td's / 4 int is quite a stat line.

    That's the one thing about Cutler is not many of his balls hit the ground they either get caught or picked off :lol:
  29. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    My balls don't just hit the ground, they drag on it.
    Fin-Omenal and Crappy Tipper like this.
  30. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Dupree, we're a game away from week 17 so better get that PvP preview out before me and Bob run off to play. At home against his biggest rival that's also 15-0, a win sends him to the playoffs and a loss probably sends him to the golf course; that's NBC flex material right there!


    Picture is relevant, shh.
    Crappy Tipper likes this.
  31. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Hey, I never posted highlights from my upset victory over Andre and the Cardinals! Here they are:

    Let's get this party started!! Have a good look at LeRon James, rookie runningback... you'll ALL be seeing a LOT of him next season. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

    In what would turn out to be a back and forth game, Andre, using Matt Leinart, responds to my score with one of his own. He does it throwing off his back foot against an A-gap blitz with added OLB pressure. Timmons and Phillips don't get there in time. Nice job, Andre.

    This big INT by the 4th cornerback, rookie Adam Story, begins to swing the game in my favor. Add a fumble by the Cardinals on my goalline, which was returned 99 yards by Chad Greenway for the touchdown and things were looking good for the Vikings.

    The Vikings capitalize on the INT by feeding one of several big playmakers: Percy Harvin. Faite-attention, this is why you do not blitz the Vikings. lol. (unless you're Rigo.)

    Up by two scores in the fourth quarter, and with the playoffs out of reach, the Vikings staff has to get their young, high-potential plyaers some snaps and experience before the season ends. Matt Ryan gives way to Matt Flynn at QB. Swaps at Free Safety, Defensive End, Defensive Tackle, Tight End and Linebacker cost the Vikings their lead, however. Within 3 minutes the cardinals have tied it up. We're going to Overtime!!!

    But we are going to keep using our B-stringers to try to salvage this game!

    After winning the coin-toss and electing to receive, the Vikings drive the length of the field and rookie runningback LeRon James puts the dagger in the hearts of Cardinals fans with this winning touchdown.

    So the Cards drop a game they couldn't afford to lose in the playoff hunt, and the Vikes win a game they *really* didn't want to win as it hurts their draft position majorly.

    But what a great game on both sides! I've waited two years to play Andre and it lived up to it's billing!
  32. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    By the way... how long we gonna wait for Nappy? Like I said, I know he's got stuff on his plate, but if you don;t have time to play a CPU game on Saturday, or Sunday, or MOnday, or Tuesday... there's nothing to make me think he'll play it on Wed. Thursday etc either.

    Can someone contact him and ask if he'll have time, and if not if he's okay with it getting simmed?

    Let's not let the whole week drag on over a CPU game.

    Just my eight-cents. I REALLY wanna get to the draft before August! For us non-playoff guys it's gonna be a LONG wait through the playoffs as it is!
  33. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Who knew he was actually being serious?!?


    The playoff matchup between Rigo and Sick is gonna be like... like... this:

  34. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Final week of PVP

    Seahawks (10-5)
    Saints (12-3)

    Seahawks win and they are in. Saints win they did it because they found a new glitch.

    Cardinals (9-6)
    Falcons (7-8)

    Cardinals need to have the Saints cheat so they can make the playoffs. They might not even with a win. I do not know. Those tiebreakers take time and I do not have time. However if the Packers do not play and lose in sim their chances are even better

    Colts (5-10)
    Browns (13-2)

    Congrats to the Colts for pulling off an amazing upset last week. Must of went to the Saints school for glitchers. U of SSG. Can they do it two weeks in a row? Browns are playing for pride.

    Jaguars (15-0)
    Titans (10-5)

    With a loss the Titans will be missing the playoffs. They looked like they were the chosen team to make the playoffs for a while, however it looks like they are forsaken. The Jaguars can put the final blow to their best friends the Titans. The Titans only hope would be to learn how to cheat from the Saints.

    Small week of PVP.
    Starry31, Crappy Tipper and aboome like this.
  35. finsincebirth

    finsincebirth Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Can we advance.....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
  36. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Boys the week has to advance quickly for me to be available for my Browns vs. Colts week 17 match. (and since Colts owner isnt on here, or email, or IM, couldnt tell you his schedule)

    I am in town Today and Tomorrow, then not back till Memorial Day Monday...but that's it and I will not return till June 6th.
  37. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Good stuff, Dupree. I've been too busy (lazy?) to do a rankings, but really oughta do a last one before the playoffs. Btw, think you might be hammering on the glitch thing a little much? lol.

    -shakes his head-

    And, if Mor gets his butt in gear and rejoins the way he promised he would, then there will also be a Vikings versus Eagles match!!!! WOOHOO!!!

    Flex that one to national coverage, y'all.
  38. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Wasn't really going to roll them like that (was going to put in scrubs in the 3rd), but my D just amped and gave me great field position and phelps got a 1 on 1 during what was supposed to be a HB screen :)so I threw a TD and it said that Phelps was 1 TD away from an NFL record (NFL...i don't think that's a league record..i could be wrong)...so I figured..what the hell, let's go for it, got him another TD, and then Cutler was 1 TD away from an NFL record..and well...it kinda snow balled....
    Crappy Tipper and Bpk like this.
  39. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Advancing tonight
    Fin-Omenal and Bpk like this.

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