The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are looking to move the following players, with a focus on the upcoming NFL Draft. Available Late Round Draft Picks: I would like to package picks and possibly move up. I have 3 7th rounders and may want to get up into the 6th round. Some of the team's players have been deemed integral to the long-term success of the franchise. These include: Franchise Players Josh Freeman (QB) Geno Hayes (WOLB) Aquib Talib (CB) Kellen Winslow (TE) Sammie Stroughter (WR) Core Players Quincy Black (SOLB) Stylez White (DE) Jeff Faine (C) Franchise players can be acquired for a "1st +" - meaning at least a first rounder plus something else. Core players can be acquired for a "2nd +" - meaning at least a second rounder plus something else.
Updated. Have had several inquiries for players. I'm looking mostly for draft picks at this time but will entertain other offers.
Updated. I'm putting Winslow up on the block, but I'm not sure I want to part with him. Yes. PM me or AIM me and we can see what we can do.
There it is.... right in BLACK and WHITE... Hey, anybody know where Q went to school?....just asking ....
I SOoooooo wanted us to draft him when he was coming out... In fact, I did draft him in this league when he came out...Dont remember if I was the Donks or the Chiefs..or the Raiders that year...... Dont remember....