So folks, you say that our stadium isn't loud enough?? Not enough noise to distract our opponents and cheer on our home team? Well I have found the perfect upgrade for our stadium and it'll only cost roughly $11 per fan! AND IT COMES IN OUR TEAM COLOR! Even better! I already have mine and so can you! Be a fan, buy a Vuvuzela and share the football love. (or it might just be the alcohol influencing my thoughts )
hahahhaha that picture is pure gold. yall just haters i'll have my vuvuzela blowing as hard as I can when opposing kickers are attempting a kick. Forget icing, the ultimate distraction. What sections do you guys sit in so I make sure to pick tickets from that section :P I usually sit in 129-139 area
Absolutely not, can't stand them. Although a special allowance for 1 game per year would be fine, whenever the Jets offense is on the field. ONLY then.
yo i would sooooo sign off on this. even it its just for jet and pats games(no one cares about the bills)
Your lips on one end, my pump action shotgun on the other, lets see who is louder. j/k of course but gosh I hate those things
Of course I would only use them while their kickers are trying to get a FG or after we score in celebration or something. Not non-stop ofcourse.
I say YES. If the crowd could understand to only make the noise when the Jets/Patriots are on offense. Knowing people though, most would just do it the whole game even when the Dolphins are attempting a Field Goal, because people are stupid. ....So maybe not then.
The problem is they are too loud in general. I fully support home field advantage but thats taking it way too far. Soccer you dont have to worry about audibles or cadence on and on....
One of the reasons I DON'T watch soccer... Personally, I think that the first person to use one ought to be used as a demonstration person for the way to transform that device into a suppository, and then have to leave the stadium that way - forever!
I swear to God if I hear just 1 of those things at a Dolphins game I'll never watch another dolphins game. I'll go find another team that doesn't have a moronic fan base. Who ever thought this up should be banned from football. You do realize that those things sound like a swarm of flies fighting over a steamy pile of **** right.
You realize that these Vuvuzelas have only been used in this world cup? What stopped you from watching the rest of the year?
If not for the hearing thing, I'd love to see loads of those at games. ****'s hilarious. For the longest time pre-9/11 security "enhancements" there used to be someone in the stadium who brought in what was evidently a metal pipe or something and would bang it against some sort of railing and you could hear it through the whole stadium when it got loud.
Actually they have been used before the FIFA World Cup but only as a South African thing. FIFA almost banned them for the World Cup because they can cause permanant hearing damage and can be used as weapon.