In a thread a few days ago there was general consensus that Cherilus was the stronger fo the two. I have some numbers here that might dispute that claim. Duane Brown: 400lb bench, 530lb squat, 341lb power clean......Combine bench reps: 24 Gosder Cherilus: 390lb bench, 440lb squat, 253lb power clean......Combine bench reps: 24 Thats interesting, Cherilus is meaner, plays with more of a chip on his shoulder and is less athletic and mobile than Brown. Brown is also more inexperienced, and has smaller arms (33 1/4") than Cherilus' (35"). Any comments on this? Who do you think might be more of a steal at #57?
Heck I'd take either one but if Cherilus is that strong, with more experience and a chip on his shoulder that's pretty much a no brainer. Brown is certainly the stronger of the two but not a terribly huge difference. Either one would work for me. Only question I'd have to ask is which one a> played the tougher competition in college, and 2> which one pass blocks better, and 3> which one allowed the least sacks, and finally who had less penalties. Can't really make a sound decision without those stats.