I haven't seen this anywhere in the news but here it is; kinda scary that nothing is being said. Or Done?? Newsmax.com - Small Towns Grapple with Diseased Immigrants I'm glad I hunt cause this is bad for our meat supply if true.
Geez...... When will this country realize that to preserve our way of life, safety and the quality of our citizens that immigration standards need to be raised and actually enforced. It's ridiculous that we let the criminals, diseased and those with little to no skills to offer in the country without question from certain places while restricting the entry of individuals with clean bills of health and great talents to offer from other places. A country is only as strong as the people that make up it's populace no? This is ridiculous!
Fantastic. The Tyson plant in Emporia. I know where that is. Glad to know that the chicken I've been buying that is proudly "hormone free and drug free" apparently doesn't extend to the workers. Blaming this all on immigrants is a little too Lou Dobbs for my taste. Look, I don't really care if they are immigrants or not, that's not really the point. I don't think it's too much to ask that the food we consumed be prepared by folks with a clean bill of health. I do care that companies aren't hiring healthy workers to work in their plants. Stricter regulation would be a nice start, and fines for companies that willingly hire sick folks would be even better. Nice to know that Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" is still ringing true in 2008.