kind of odd, but i guess not surprising. one can understand that men need to do what they have to do and in a place that hides its women, it shouldnt be a surprise. its not the homosexuality that is of note, but the use of young boys and the cultural and possibly religious support it receives is disturbing
It is odd that in a culture where adult, consenual homosexuality is punishable by death, sexual use of young boys (as well as ritual rape of a defeated opponent) is viewed as a mystical acceptability. There is some similarity to the ancient Greco-Roman ideal. It is that seeming contradiction that makes interpretation of Judeo-Christian Biblical texts regarding homosexuality sometimes difficult. Were scripture writers talking about homosexuality or pederasty? Thus the past and the present inform each other! It remains confusing on a bunch of levels.
I believe the saying in Afghanistan is "women for babies men for pleasure". Which is not unsurprising in Cultures that are massively sexually repressed but it is more than touch disturbing.
a friend that was stationed in bahrain told me a similar line. again its not the homosexuality, but the use of young boys. im not sure if that goes on in the rest of the mid east or not. i would guess not, but if it did, it would contradict the narcissism angle that is being driven here
From my experience this is true. The diseased culture in Afghanistan not only condones, but flaunts pedophilia.