I just want to see the game live... or hear it live... is that too much to ask for? I got Directv... and the game is on NFLNetwork, but it's blacked out! No other TV channel is showing it live... channel 2, CBS is showing it at 11:30 PM!! So, how about radio... I got Sirius, can't listen to it online, because that channel is not available online... How about online Radio... tried the flagship stations, it's unavailable... won't load... sits there buffering and then says the game isn't available. Tried the IPhone Pocket TUnes App... sits there buffering, won't load the stations... unfreakingbelieveable... I live in LA, and the game is blacked out...thoughts before I go postal?
I think I got it.. don't know why I didn't figure this out earlier... justintv is the best... http://www.justin.tv/sonny_chiba
yeah.. we went t the bar to go see it. it was blacked out. got drunk instead. off to go do some more drinking