People have asked, and now you all shall receive...... The Sick and Big E Sports show....presented by is now on the itunes store. for FREE. Subscribe now, listen to our podcasts........ be warned however, i believe it has all the shows on the podcast......and i mean ALL THE SHOWS.....including the X rated ones i did before being sponsored by thephins, so be warned, bad language in some of the begining shows! subscribe now, and all future shows will also be added!!! woot!!!! subscribe and make ours popular listen to our show whenever you want!!!!! go to the itunes store and search podcasts for "sick & big e" and it should come up with our logo
lol. I am going to burn your shows on a CD and sell them to my friends.SICK can I put you down for 10 copies.
I am listening to the last week show, and im up to the point where you mention all the greats, ie Marino at one point have to call it quits, its kind of ironic but the Vikings are the same team that tried to get Marino out of retirement, but Marino smartly declined, same move favre should have done edit: well just got to the part where you say the same exact same thing i just said btw i got that pic somewhere where Marino is wearing a vikings jersey, ill find it edit: i also knew the Brock Lesner question!