Hey everyone. I'll be off for about 9 days. I will be back on for the start of FA in the GM game. If you want any of my guys your answer for the moment is "no". Basically, I need a break and to plan and sort things out with myself and my surroundings and life in general. (ie. not be on the internet). If you guys need to get a hold of me you can email me here. I'll be turning off the PM function and even when I get back on might keep it turned off: stepapu@fastmail.fm I'll check it once in the morning and once at night.. and perhaps if I let myself cheat a bit ( ), once during the middle of the day at noon. Enjoy yourselves, be good and don't do anything stupid.
In all seriousness, good luck with whatever you're doing and I hope you come back a changed man and a fan of a REAL football organization.... Like the New England Patriots.
Thanks guys. I'm back now obviously. There is too much crap to catch up on when you haven't been on in nine days. So many player signings, so many GM game things to catch up on. JTT... ehhhh. I'm happy we signed Wilson, Bell, Carey, Crowder. Looking forward to other signings and discussing the off-season with you folks. Missed you guys and the chats here. I don't think I've ever felt that way about a message board before as a whole. Don't take that the wrong way As far as what I need to do.. I think I've at least got a baseline of a concept. the time away from the computer helped me out a great deal. And I will set my feet about it when it's not quarter to 4am