Links: Nfl: Seahawks Message Board Poster Succeeds In Creating Rivalry With The Giants, Fails As Human The Blue Screen - NY Daily News That's terrible and sad.
The more it gets spread around the more life it's given and the more power and the original poster of those tasteless items gets the impact he desired.
no. bashing the giants by making 9-11 jokes because they took place in NYC is not a clever epiphany. its not a witty connection. its stupid and senseless. its a black eye on the seahawks mediocre fanbase.
We had a douchebag do that in the depths on the other site as well. Best I can tell it was a Pats fan pretending to be a Broncos fan pretending to be an internet police officer, I s*** you not.
He's not, and some might view it that way, I do not. The point of heckling is to get under peeps skin...that def. does the job, but it goes way too extreme.
This person was either not old enough to understand what happen on 9/11 and how many people died that day and how it changed every New Yorkers life, some more than others, or he is just so sick he finds this funny. Joking about over 2,000 people losing their lives is not funny. its not amusing one bit... **** this guy, you hate a team fine, don't pull this petty crap.
couple of things: first, i hope thats not a giants troll trying to rile some things up, but i don't think any giants fan would be heartless enough to do that. second, i disagree with the title of this thread. while it's a horrible thing to post, the fansite shouldn't be getting the bad press, it should be the poster, you know? from my understanding the post was only up briefly before people started screenshotting it, after which the mods on the site (and the poster him/herself) tried to remove it. we all know if anyone posted something horrible like that on, that it would be there for a little bit before our awesome mods took it down and banned the poster. i would feel terrible if our site started getting bad press for something one dumb poster wrote. just my opinion, i think most people can agree that its basically a horrible thing to write (though, i'll admit i did debate chuckling at the when does a pentagon only have 4 sides one, merely for the actual mathematical cleverness it took to come up with it)
What the **** is wrong with people? Controversy for the sake of controversy be damned, that is all kinds of wrong. .....who was also a pedofile apprently