Well, FWIW, to me McNabb is d-o-n-e, his legs looked gone, but then again the interest in Childress stunned me anyway.
Maybe Chilly and McNabb can fix each other. Although McNabb had a bad year by his standards, I'd still take his year over Henne's. Guy threw for almost 3400 yards in 13 games while running for his life. If we draft a project QB (say, Locker or Newton, not that I'd be thrilled with either), he'd at least represent a placeholder until either one is ready.
Bold move though, the one thing that has bothered me through all of this is the traces of the WCO that have went through the search for an OC, Daboll and Childress? It appears that the WCO is in the mix over the Air Coryel system.
IDK about this one, waiting for a Qb to be released so he can work for a fired Head Coach seems like a bit of stretch(?)
This is all speculation. Logical speculation but nothing concrete or conclusive I'm not really interested in either guy. Maybe Childress would be OK, but I just have my doubts. I guess I just enjoy Air Coryell better overall. Anyway, it's not as if McNabb went to a completely foreign system in Washington. Mike Shannahan runs a WCO. That's one reason why they traded for the guy. He was pretty terrible there this year. Looked cooked. Mike Shannahan realized he was sold a bill of goods pretty quickly. Insert Rex Grossman and his offense takes off. Andy Reid goes to the same school that Bill Belichick does. They can see the writing on the wall and get rid of guys a year early rather than a year late. In McNabb's case, they got rid of him just in time. What's funny is that I've always felt McNabb would have been a better 'traditional' style QB, since he was oh so good at the vertical passing game and always lacked great accuracy on the short/intermediate stuff. In short, if Andy Reid and Mike Shannahan are washing their hands of the guy, I'm not looking at him as anything more than a backup. Again, he was pretty bad in 2010.
Well Muck, yes and no, keep in mind "if" what we need in 2011 is a Caretaker Qb who will not shot us in the foot McNabb is a good choice especially if married to a better running game. What I don't like is the massive change on the offense that would have to happen to shoe horn in a 35 yr old Qb, that makes no sense.
Doesn't that sound like a great combo ? Failures the past year other places, they come to our team, which was a failure last year. Recipe for success FTW !
Exactly, there is nothing wrong with taking castoffs and working with them, but you plug them into your system, you do not build your system around them..that is a mistake.
Highly agree. But even that is a concern IMO. He couldn't even be a caretaker in Washington last year. I worry about a guy whose body/skills are declining and never was highly accurate to begin with. We saw the ultimate manifestation of that (save for the pre-existing accuracy issues) in 1999. The body was gone and he just couldn't make the throws. This fall I listened to guys describe why McNabb, technically, was one of the worst starting QB's in the league last year. Maybe he can play better where the margin of error isn't as small. But he just wasn't making the throws in Washington.
I'd rather have Young than McNabb if I had to pick one. Rather not have either of them if I didn't have to pick one.
Some of the criticism leveled at McNabb last year was that he was not in condition. He is an aging guy, who apparently got along for years doing the bare minimum and now that his body is saying NOOOOOOOOO, he's finding it difficult learning how to work hard at something that used to come very easy to him. Not someone, if you are Sparano you would be able to trust. Same as Henne all over again. We'll be in Groundhog Day yet again.
Funny thing is, he runs a "camp" in AZ for Qb's who come out there to work out, and yet McNabb looked Glacial in 2010, and for some Qb's the arm strength comes from the legs.
Terrell Owens leveled that criticism against him after the Super Bowl. I've always shrugged that off. But when Mike Shannahan put it out there after he pulled him in the same situation this year, you had to take notice.
I want nothing to do with either. The only good thing about either of those guys being our QB in 2011 is that we'd be in a better position to draft Andrew Luck.
Here is my problem with bringing Childress into the organization. When Miami finishes like 4-12 next year they will be firing Sparano, so my issue is will Childress inhereit the job as head coach ? Some of you might like it, but not me.
We have gone this route before, picking up former big names on the downside of their career. Haven't we learned from Green and Culpepper before. The only current one that worked out somewhat was Pennington if you count that.
yep will look great next to that 7-9 record wont it! Except that Mcnabb already knows the offense Just need the receivers to learn it.
I doubt this will happen. Childress didn't make a play for McNabb when he was the HC in Minn. I could see him though, trying to make a play for Tavaris Jackson... Minn could be looking to offload him and he is to Childress what Fiedler was to Wanny. The thought of this scares me more than the idea of bringing in McNabb. IMO there are no serious upgrades at QB available. If we sign Young I will be grossly disappointed.
No. This would be horrible if we hire Chilly and sign McNabb I don't think I could stomach watching this team on offense.
How do you figure? Childress chased after an aged and injury prone Brett Favre even though he had Jackson. If he was so loyal to Tarvaris he could have just played him. Instead he wanted Favre. McNabb would be more likely which makes me want to puke. It would be like having that fraud Culpepper here all over again.
McCrapp is a total fraud. I'll never forget while McCrapp was rushing to a MVP he getting James Thrash killed on crossing routes. Pennington has experience in the WCO; let him be the sacrificial tackling dummy while grooming a draft pick.
5 years of discussing the situation in depth with a rabid Vikings fan makes me figure . Five years of TJack remaining on the roster despite other Qbs outplaying him, even though Chilly only signed QBs that never really had a chance at beating him out in the first place. Just hope that IF Chilly comes here, he comes with a 'No Tarvaris' clause in his contract... you can add to that McNabb and Young too if you like (I know I would )
McNabb shot the Redskins in the feet I do agree about the whole WC offense thing seems silly, whole reason they are doing this is because they are in win now mode. Starting over with a whole new offense is rebuild mode not win now mode... I hate to say it but this is starting to look like a fiasco, whose running the ship Ross? Ireland or Sparano? I'd say Ross wants the WCO with everything he's said so far. Then Ireland promises him a high powered offense if he keeps Sparano. Sounds like a mottled mess of folks trying to keep their jobs over anything else.
IF Childress lands in Miami....... I might have to sell everything I own and buy up my favorite collegiate garb