Maybe with all this going down, it'll be good for poor guys like me to buy some electronics at a big discount!
The financing is done through a bank or financial institution via Circuit City... So, yes. Sucks, I know.
honestly doesn't surprise me. I worked there for a week this past summer. That's all I could take. I was lied about the job I would be doing, the days I'd be doing it, the hours on the day I'd be doing it, and the pay I'd be receiving for it. I put a week in at customer service until they hired some HS kid for the computer sales job (which I was hired on as). I said Adios and haven't looked back. The one in Schaumburg did a PATHETIC job of running itself. At one point on a Sunday there was honestly one teller, one customer service rep, and ONE salesman on the floor. One guy had to wait an hour to pick up speakers that he knew he wanted when he walked in the door. Had to wait for the sales guy to get done talking about TV's and unlock the case.
Hehe there is a litterally 2 month old store 5 minutes from my house that just put closing signs out. TWO months. Im not shocked though, they overexpanded badly, had terrible help and high prices. Trifecta of doom. Daphins, they hire lots of HS age kids because they are cheap. Unfortunately they arent great at customer service usually, are uninspired, and often dont know much about what they are selling unless its to say, "thats cool" or not. They went through a purge there awhile back where just about everytime with any kind of service was fired because they were "costing to much" and replaced. Best Buy and Frys blow them out of the water in terms of about everything. Though these days im getting a lot of my stuff at Target of all places.
FYI: CC is cutting the prices on alot of the gamer stuff. You can get the GH aerosmith bundle for 360 for 90 bucks right now.
I went yesterday night just to be safe. I was worried they would stop honoring gift cards, because that is something they can legally do I believe.
There is a FAQ form on the Circuit city home page. It said that they will continue to honor Giftcard, Price Matching, etc.
Circuit City (or at least my local store) is offering 30% off all mobiles/accessories, 20% CD's or DVD's (Blu-Ray excluded), and 10% everything not already on clearance or on sale.
I was pretty sure Circuit City said that they won't be doing the Price Matching anymore, at least not in stores that are being shut down. Reason being, there is a different company in charge of liquidating their inventory.
Circuit Cities website in basically gone. I only has a homepage now. Liqidation was supposed to start on Jan. 17th. All sales are final.