Okay, - In order to liven things up here in the GM Pavillion, I am going to create the Antrel Role Sweepsteaks. I have a price already in mind, its easy, first one to pass that prr-set price barrier gets themselves one hell of a FS. Any Questions? There is also a pre determined deadline of Thurs 7 AM Central Time. If nobody breaks the price barrier by then, he remains a Cardinal
I'll trade you Steven Hauschka for him. PS: If you have a price in mind, why not say what it is, and whoever has the best deal by the deadline gets him? As opposed to having some mysterious barrier of a price and getting bombarded with crappy offers like mine.
Okay, one more rule I forgot to mention. The Atlanta Fakcons are null, void and exempt from this sweepstakes
"how can you have a sweepstakes without saying the cost?"... I didn't say it, I merely repeated it... I can see the future... I can see someone thanking me for this post... i can see someone replying by saying, that is what I was going to say... I can see someone asking, what is Rolle's cap number?
Fair enough. His cap hit is 3,565,000. I am looking for a Top Tier Olineman or Draft picks. The draft pick barrier is what I have already pre-meditated. Note: It can be a combination of picks
I got LOTS of PM's from you Alan. I will go back through and look. What time frame are we talking about?
Oh yeah, I got that one....but obviuosly, with recent events, I doubt anything happens with him I like him too the more I look into him
Im sure, its a good offer. I really wanted Bob Sanders but I wasnt gonna part with my 1st 2nd 3rd and Joe Thomas.
And I wasnt parting with Sanders and my 2nd for Shaun Rogers And I never once mentioned Joe Thomas or asking for your 1st 2nd and 3rd. Not even close.
Were just kidding around Brother EDIT: Actually to add, I have noticed much less absolute headscratchers in regards to trades this year than in years past. I have seen some great trades that will simultaniously make both teams better.