he's honest, and you could just as easily put a positive spin on it all instead of negative...but of course this is the south florida media. you wonder why ricky doesn't talk to them very much. also i often imagine what it would be like to live in canada ...aside from the cold i think it would be a great place to live personally.
I agree with Ricky especially for being positive to our neighbhors. I don't think it was good of the writer to be condescending to Canada and its fans. If Ricky had been negative and been like, "Yeah, we'll kick their arse anyday," he'd be considere immature and a thug. You can't win with the media, but at least Ricky took the high road and kept it positive so any idiotic comments came from the writer, rather than the runner.
Most media always looks for a way to give a story "legs" by being overly dramatic...but Ricky did a good job of staying positive so to make the story "interesting" he did the sarcastic route. He could at least cut the hometown player some slack
There are certain nfl players that the characteristics of the game would benefit, such as a speedy back, not a bruiser or a precision passer, like a Peyton. THe field is more open, but for a bruising back the game is not suitable for them. If you can have a speedy open field back I think they would do great. He's right, its a totally different game even if the differences seem minimal.
I don't get to read these guys articles much, like you guys. But, this guy seems to want to cause problems. Wants us, as fans, to hate Ricky. The press makes me sick. You can't believe anything they say. The worst thing is they can ruin someones rep and/or career by writing junk. They seek out these guys, then try to slam them any way they can. I didn't see anything wrong with what Ricky said. It seemed that he was honest and just telling his thoughts. I guess football players aren't allowed to have opinions of their own.
Gee... Armando lays yet another egg... surprise, surprise... The best parts of that article are the comments from readers. They ripped Armando a new one, and I agree with almost all of them.
I think that is a good prediction. Either way, with the game being in a dome, and both teams have to travel, it sure ain't a "home game" for Barfallo.
I agree, it is a very different game. I still feel like NFL teams are superior, but not by a ton. If you took the NFL's top team and they played the CFL's top team underneath NFL rules than i feel like the NFL team would win in a blowout. If you did the same scenario but changing the rules to those of the CFL's i think the NFL would still win but not by very much. Just my personall opinion. Maybe there should be some international rules so they could play each other sometime?
Armando always seems to find something negative to write about. With all the progress this team has made this year, I'm sure there a lot of positive stuff to write about, but he just finds dumb negative stuff to write about. what a crotch rod!
God, I hate Salguero... Anyone ever hear him on the radio? He thinks he is God's gift to sports journalism... Yet, he sucks! He thinks he can get away with writing whatever he wants in his crappy blog because it is just a blog... If I were Ricky Id piss on my hand before shaking his hand after an interview.
Ricky is awesome and refreshing. Every other athlete not names sean avery is a damn cliche. These writers should appreciate them as they are the athletes who people actually like hearing for once. Salamnder sucks
One thing I have learned from being on this site: Armando is an idiot..and a closet Jests fan. I would say the differences between the leagues are obvious, just as it is obvioius that Arena League is different.... Love your line about pissing on his hand Skape
I can't even read it guys...i'am pissed just listening to what ya'll have to say. That guy is gonna get beat up one day...