Ricky, here is my issue with posters here

Discussion in 'Out of Bounds' started by dirtylandry, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    It seems you, me and Canez are the only ones thinking outside the box. All the other posters are defending, defending, defending. What is it you're defending? The team has been mired in mediocrity since 1995-1996. Sure a couple decent seasons, but 1-2 playoff wins. Guess what? The system is broke. Nothing has worked. Whether it is Tannehill, Gase, the line....you cannot keep defending the mediocrity here. Whatever your thought process is, change it. The fans here are so used to mediocrity, they are ok with Tannehill.......he just needs a line.......OMG OMG OMG....think about that. Brady had the Black Friday Special Deals on linemen yesterday. They still block for him. He still threw for 3 TDS, they still ran effectively. Don't be afraid to call Parker a bust, because he is. Stop making excuses. it's the qb, it's injury, it's timing. stop. Call the spade the spade. Gase thought he could win with Cutler, Thomas, Larsen and Bushrod. His former players. This kind of evaluation should have him fired today. YOU NEED TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. NOTHING MIAMI HAS DONE HAS WORKED. Once you realize that, you will be more open to changing the paradigm and the thinking of the team. Is there anyone on the team, aside from Landry, that has a cap savings , you are afraid to lose? Wake? Year after year he disappears. On final drives, disappears. Maybe Wake is the problem then? Until you realize the roster and staff are all mediocre, everyone will want more of the same
    bigballa2102 likes this.
  2. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL
    you forgot me :) lol im here defending myself daily on how this team is as I would say less than mediocre and that starts at the top. Never willing to make a splash we keep getting guys we "want" to work out or "hope" and its incredible how going 9-7 and losing a wildcard game is a positive for this team, as I said before I want 1 time before I die for people to say "damn we have to play the dolphins" right now teams hope we limp in so they get an easy first round win at no point in the past couple decades have we been the team no ones wants to face.
  3. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    yes I did
  4. Rickysabeast

    Rickysabeast Royale With Cheese

    Jul 26, 2016
    Obviously, I agree. I don't take issues with most of the posters on here. My mindset is my mindset. If they want to have a different one, they can be wrong. I think there is a lot of speculation and we all try to link things together that may or may not be factually linkable. But at the end, we're fans. Passion is our lifeblood. We are either passionate about how great it's going or how badly it's going. I've been termed "emotional" on here. Well, shouldn't we all be? This is our past time and relief from the rest of the world we deal with.

    I guess my issue as I look at it is there are so many fans that seem to be incomprehensibly patient. We've been patient since we were last consistently good in the 90's. If you aren't seething pissed that we are still no closer to a superbowl then we were with Cam Cameron then you just need a new sport to watch. I don't want the Dolphins to be average. I want them to be all world! I want the '99 rams #1 on D and O. I want a QB to be all world and the D to be epic monsters! Sure, will I get that and get it all at the same time? Most likely not but that doesn't kill the desire for it. I don't want another hum drum average off season. I want positive change. It will take a lot of work to get to the level that we should expect as fans!
  5. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    every roster move should be made with titles in mind. Wake is the perfect example. Against the Jets he is money. But where is the game-setting sack early in the game against the great teams. We haven't had an acquisition that has gone our way forever. It needs to change next year. Look what a Leveon Bell can do. Now most will worry about salary or prior suspensions. The guy is going to be a free agent and is arguably the best back in football. There is a clear need for him on the team, esp w his versatility. Miami should be in play for him, if he isn';t franchised again. We had no business drafting Charles Harris, with Watson there on the board. Our QB was hurt, the salary was getting less guaranteed, there was cap savings and just a few months earlier he beat Alabama. he clearly was a difference maker
  6. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    So passive aggressive.

    The site has a messaging feature for this stuff.
    ToddPhin likes this.

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