yeah. Green gets injured -> Kurt Warner blows up -> Kurt Warner gets injured -> Marc Bulger blows up -> The Rams suck -> Green to the rescue
Didn't they give Bulger a $65 million dollar deal less than two years ago? I don't know what Green's going to do for you when your offensive line still sucks.
Contracts shouldn't make any consideration for who gets the start. Give me a guy making a veterans minimum if he produces over the big money contracts anyday.
While that is true, you don't invest a lot of money into a player and then bench him especially since the replacement won't be able to do any more than the starter already has.
How do you know that without trying? If you're not winning with the big money player why shouldn't they try another option? The coach wouldn't be doing his job if he wasn't trying to solve the problem by changing the puzzle pieces.
Have you seen the St. Louis Rams this season? They have absolutely no offensive line. You could put Peyton Manning back there and he won't be successful. They aren't better off with a 38 year old QB back there. When you invest a lot of money into one player, you want him out there. There's a reason Matt Schaub is still a starter out there in Houston and its not because of his poor play.
So you don't think that Miami's offensive line looked different between Culpepper & Harrington? The QB can have an effect on how a line looks - you as many essays as you write about the sport should know that. The contract should not stand in the way of productivity & team success.
I don't think your getting what I'm trying to say. I'm not bashing Bulger nor am I bashing Green's play. What I'm saying is behind the St. Louis Rams current offensive line, it is unlikely for any QB to have success. They aren't doing themselves a favor putting in an immobile Quarterback.
I don't think you're getting what I am saying either - The QB and his decisions, holding the ball, finding receivers etc.. change the way the offensive line plays.
That is true but the offensive line of the Rams has not given any time to Bulger either. I don't think your incorrect here as your answer may be part of the problem in St. Louis but it certainly isn't the only thing wrong on that offense. Btw, I still think that they shouldn't bench him because of the money invested. You don't give a guy a lot of money and then watch him hold a clipboard.
No doubt, but if the coach doesn't try he won't know. The season looks lost for them already and he's grasping at straws.
Wow...I hope this doesnt excite Rams fans too much. They have alot worse things wrong with them on offense than the QB spot, and taking out Bulger and putting in dead man walking is NOT the answer.