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Please remember Roxana Vol. Fire Dept. in your prayers.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Ducken, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Ducken

    Ducken Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Lower Delaware
    Lastnight the Roxana Vol. Fire Dept. lost one of it's own. FF/EMT Brian Welch passed away from what appears to have been a broken neck. No other details have been released. As you may or may not know Roxana is the dept. I belong to and Brian was a member for the past 9 years. Brian was very energenic and involved in the dept.. Brian leaves behind a son and a duaghter. Brian was a graduate from Penn State and did very well for himself in the buisness community owning 3 shops in the Bethany area and several rental houses in western MD. All of us in the dept. are stung and saddened by his loss.

    Goodbye buddy.


    1967 -2009
    opfinistic, The Rev, like2god and 2 others like this.
  2. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    I'm so sorry Ducken.
    My thoughts and prayers are with his family at home and at the station.
    May God Bless ALL Of You.
    Ducken likes this.
  3. Celtkin

    Celtkin <B>Webmaster</b> Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    46.73° N, 117.00° W
    What a tragic loss.

    His family and your department will be in my prayers.
    dolphindebby and Ducken like this.
  4. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    My prayers go out to his family, your department, and of course to you as well.
  5. like2god

    like2god Typical white person Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and fellow firefighters. :(
    The Rev and Ducken like this.
  6. The Rev

    The Rev Totus Tuus Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box Club Member

    Wow, what a tragedy. I cannot imagine the pain for that family. Prayers to you Brother Ducken, to your department, and to his family.
    Ducken and dolphindebby like this.
  7. opfinistic

    opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    Sorry to hear about that tragic loss, all my thoughts and prayers to everyone in his life.
    Ducken likes this.

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