Doesn't help much considering they'll probably be tomorrow's over breeders. Considering our entitlement situation, the future looks bleak.
not a picture, but a funny quote I saw today: "February is Black History Month, March is Women’s History Month, and April is National Poetry Month, so May must be Leave Maya Angelou The F*** Alone Month." - Dan Curry
Anyone else pumped up for the season....already!! I hate the NFL. Makes me wish away my annually long awaited Canadian summer! [video=youtube;7RJ-pqFwOUY][/video]
Just a reminder TOS still applies in this thread. If a mod is needed every time someone posts someone in this thread then the thread will be closed and as needed those people who post foul language in their meme's will be dealt with.
Sideshow Bob: [barely in control] Bart Simpson? Ha! The spirited little scamp who twice foiled my evil schemes and [maliciously] sent me to this dank, urine-soaked h***hole? Officer: Uh, we object to the term "urine-soaked h***hole" when you could have said, "peepee-soaked heckhole". Sideshow Bob: Cheerfully withdrawn.
Target Field time lapse. If you're into this sort of thing, check out the video below. Photographer Brace Hammelgarn used a whopping 5,742 images to show a time lapse of the Twins vs Rangers Saturday night and then Sunday afternoon games (via [video=vimeo;40336139][/video]
This is him chillin out afterwards [video=youtube;SKRgktzRvZ0][/video]
I hope karma gets this guy back. That is mean. I am a reformed hunter, I only shoot sport targets now because I hate animal cruelty. Before I spark a debate, here in Ontario, we can't use lead shotgun pellets for water fowl, so often enough we'd injure ducks and they die slowly on their own. Plus my family doesn't eat them and we couldn't give them all away at times. So we just stopped. I am not a vegan or anything like that, and love me some meat, just I don't like to be the one doing the killing is all.