As we all know, Clark re-signed with the Steelers. Also an interesting note, Sharper recently had his knee looked at (arthroscopic surgery). I do not think we go after Sharper. Link: HERE
I wouldn't be surprised if we were more or less done with the current available FAs. Though I hope we at least intend to bring Ben Watson in for a look.
Anyone else tired of typing "poison pill" and "Atogwe" so much? It's getting pretty pathetic at this point. The best free safety out there. Poison pill him and no compensation. We'd be pretty much focused on OLB's and WR early in the draft and could get a NT in the third or fourth considering we also re-signed Jason Ferguson. Edit: I mean available Free Safety.
Just because he's the "best" available FS out there, doesn't mean we're interested in him, or even that we should be.
No but I'm getting tired of seeing other people typing "poison pill" as if they just learned about it yesterday. It's been around forever and noone does it anymore because the ramifications are usually too great. You guys need to get the whole poison pill thing out of your heads.
What are they gonna do, take Ronnie Brown? For an equal value pick I'll take that all day and twice on Sunday. Fasano? Again, same deal. We're literally in a no lose situation right now.
If we can't get Sharper, we have to get E. Thomas at #12. We can not afford to ignore this anymore. This is a pass-happy league, and this would really solidify our secondary for a long time. We would have the making of a great secondary for years to come.
It's not just the Rams you have to worry about, it's every other team as well that feels one good turn deserves another. It's bad relations and it always comes back to bite you in the *** eventually, maybe not this year but certainly sometime in the future. Not to mention it will piss off Goodell which we really don't want to do.
Those clamouring for Earl Thomas will likely be disappointed. He was weak against the run at Texas and will get swallowed up in the run game at the NFL level. Certainly not in the Parcells mold for a defender. If Berry is off the board, I see Mays as being in play.
Guys - this isn't a Madden video game. Football is about relationships. Relationships with other teams that allow you to maneuver and acquire players without being shunned by other teams. Execs like Parcells spend much of their adult lives building their reputation/legacy. Do you honestly think he's going to jeopardize it for any player let alone a damaged safety?
How can weak against the run in college equate to acceptable in the pros? If you're going to take a safety that high, he either better be flawless or bring traits to the table that are exceptional. Although he's flawed as a true centerfielder, Mays brings such a physical presence that it's hard to ignore. He brings that intimidating style much like Polamalu - only he's far more imposing. I might be willing to take a chance on that at 12.
Priceless! We are talking about the very top of the CREAM and while there are some things those 32 men would do and not lose sleep over backstabbing eachother that way is an honor line most won't cross.
Only problem (as if there's just one) is Mays doesn't know how to properly tackle, takes piss poor angles, and hasn't really seen a ball in the air that he liked to make a play on. He's nowhere near the player Troy P was. Thomas was not weak against the run in college, he was average at worst. Except he was exceptional with the ball in the air, getting numerous pass deflections and interceptions. He was plenty good at separating the ball from those who got their hands on it, and bringing down WRs who did manage to hold on to it. I'm not saying Thomas is the right pick at 12, but he would be infinitely better than Taylor Mays.
From what I've seen and read it is not an inability to tackle properly but a desire to shoulder the ball carrier for an impact play. His key weakness is man coverage against quick WRs - but really, how many FSs are manning up against wideouts? He is a threat in the deep secondary with his size and speed.
Sharper still seems the best bet IF the FO thinks Clemons will be ready in another year or two. Otherwise I believe we must take Earl Thomas at 12. JMHO
I don't mean to keep ragging on Thomas - I just don't see him as a fit for what Parcells wants. He values size and physicality more than any other exec. It's the whole "planet theory" concept. Size and physicality are the two things Thomas lacks. I'm not saying he'll be the pick but Mays looks closer to fitting the mold.
At this point I'd rather they sign Sharper than bring in some moron garbage S that will not only suck but block Culver and Clemons.
What I am nervous about by not addressing FS or NT in Free Agency, it forces our hand to most likely have to draft there. By making a strong move for Clark, it signals to me that they weren't planning on going F.S. in the 1st round, which then signals to me that they don't have a strong attraction to the F.S. that may be available when we pick. If the Front office has faith that Clemons can step in a be a productive F.S. in a season or so, then I am all for grabbing Sharper for now, but with the way it looks he will resign with N.O. I am not a "sky is falling" fan, but it does worry me that we are sitting here with still glaring needs at WR, NT, FS, and OLB and we can really only expect to find one or possibly two of those in the draft that can step in and really help this season.
if we get earl thomas at 12 and he doesnt work out as a fs we could turn him into an wr that boy got mad good hands
I respectfully disagree. Dansby was an example of a successful move. When you fly a player in, meet with him all day, make him a decent offer, and you fully intend to sign him, I wouldn't exactly classify that as a luke warm or weak move.
If your offer is subpar you can drive him from Carlsbad to the Chesapeake, buy him five porterhouse steak dinners along the way, and hire a few exotic dancers for him it doesn't matter. The offer was not good enough based on what we know. 4/17 that he signed for in Pittsburgh is an extremely reasonable salary.