,2933,357981,00.html More here:
I had a GOOGLE map "Get Directions"..that had a scenario going from...I think the Boston to gave directions down several streets, headed directly for a pier then said "Swim across the Atlantic"..... I think working at Google would be the ideal job
I know this idea may sound crazy but I wonder if this would help cops keep track of neighborhoods. For example the picture listed above, if a cop was searching through this in their area and they saw that, they could save the little kids life. (assuming its a real gun)
Yeah anyone can add these I think. But I want to go ahead and curse celtkin now for giving me something new to be addicted too.
without being too racist, i don't think the people in that picture would have the technical know-how or wherewithall to stage a joke like that, and then upload it to google maps. that scenario is entirely plausible and pathetic at the same time.