FD Pets Trade Block Anyone for the right price. Untouchable D. Revis S Greene cant replace D Ferguson looking to move Snatchez T Jones B Scott Bryan Thomas Damian Woody Lito Shepard Not lookin for the moon, only fair deals, can work multiple mid rd picks instead of 1 high pick, etc trades agreed to Jets get Ben Roethlisberger 3rd Pitt gets Nick Mangold Vernon Gholston 1st, 2nd & 6th picks trade 2 jets get Nick Hardwick 4th rd pick SD gets David Harris Trade 3 Jets get Zach Diles 4th rd Hou gets T Jones K Rhodes trade 4 jets get 3rd rd 4th rd Clev gets B Scott M Sanchez Trade 5 Jets get 5th rd pick Blt get Alan Faneca , g 7,000,000 Trade 6 Jason Phillips lb (310,000) Brandon McKinney nt (1,000,000) Jets trade: Sione Pouha dt (980,000) Dwight Lowery cb (385,000)
he is dam i forgot, good hes gone dam iget nothin for him, may low tender but aint payin big lol GIK I dont know, have to be really big , TJ getting older anothet deal seems to have fallen thru that would have made it easier
high pick or player and a pick. if it aint a #1 then multiple picks/players need to be involved. only reason i am considering tradi him is thhere is a qb i am after. so i am not giving him up 4 nothin
well dont offer for ferg, aint stoppin ya. i am only not trading him because chances of improving on him is slim and Lt is a crucial pos
why is it crazy? 2 picks and center, and a guy i was gonna cut for a top 5 qb i have since got a top c and a 1st rd pick back i believe i do
Whoa, not saying its terrible, just a pretty big trade so early on. You don't have a third rounder BTW It went to Cleveland for Crayon You also don't have a fourth- Eagles for Lito Sheppard You also traded away your 5th to Cleveland, but picked one up from Philly
I didnt know we were using actual nfl draft picks, traded picks n all, thought just order, that severely F*#@s up my trades. being new i dont have say, & yes didnt read every rule 1 4 1, but that really limits teams when we didnt even have say in picks of teams.
no one has say but griddles in the GM league. and you should have had the option to pick a top 5? people's teams are dealt out at random.
Keep in mind, part of the burdeon is what goes on in the Real NFL. I would easily give up my 3rd if it meant I could claim Kurt Warner never retired
Where did i say i should get to pick? please dont put words in My mouth. what i said was i didnt pick my team and didntt know they didnt have a 3rd. also didnt know that we were dng that rules didnt say that. my 1st yr didnt follow last yr. in real life they pay you, you dobt get a team given to u & you can actually put a min of 8hr day 5 days week, have a staff also working f/t scouting. I cant do that I didnt say that I couldnt work witth it, just sayin difdnt know and does hamper me in that made 3 deals based on diff rules
real teams can also renegotiate high cap $ contracts, etc you have to try and mirror real life as much as poss i get that and work w players actually playing etc. but we arent real life. i may not agre but see the reasoning/logic, just sayiin didnt know. thinjing more like fantasy but use real order
I know your were refering to top 5 team. What did intend with this. I didnt say I should be given a team in my top 5 that I had to get a team I wanted. Never said that. What I said was not aware of jets draft picks. Thought something else than what it was actually and the rules were silent to that so I didnt know. Or I would have found out before I dealt. If this is the case then my trades, all 3 are screwed because they were all based on teh Roeth trade.
The situations pretty easy.. nothing was official, so just got back to square one with the Rottenburger and try to salvage the trade... if nothin works, I'm sure you can find someone else out there...