We all knew it was coming, but I'm glad he spoke his mind. Luckily Joey's got plenty of money. NFL hits Joey Porter with $20,000 fine -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com Porter, who questioned a controversial non-fumble call during last Sunday's 29-28 loss to Houston, received a $20,000 fine from the NFL on Friday.
not much of surprise there. We all knew it was gunna happen however i still dont think he truly deserved it. Just my opinion.
this is seriously getting ridiculous... I wonder what the NFL would do if players leaguewide just refused to pay some of these fines... Im sure Troy P wouldnt be opposed. They still dont know what Ward was fined for... Apparently Tomlin sent a letter to the league and got no response.
They got their priorities screwed up too big time... they fined someone on Pitt (forget who) 7,500 for a dangerous hit 2 weeks ago, and then in the same week, fine Ronnie, Vernon, and Induke 10,000 for dancing... Some morons in the NFL offices.
You can't hit anyone anymore, block down field, celebrate or have an opinion and then once your done the league abandons you.
These fines are getting absurd. I can see fining someone for a bad hit or even saying something derogatory, but voicing their opinion, or 10,000 for a TD celebration? That's 50k from dolphins players in like the last two games. That's more than some people make in a year! I just think this is all getting a little excessive, and I think the only ones who can do anything about it is the fans. The players play, the coaches coach, and we stand by and let the league that we fund basically tax the players that we pay. It's not making the game any better, just taking money back from the players. I wish there was a way to fine the NFL for bad calls like the one in the Denver-Chargers game. They can fine the players for making a mistake, but when the league or their officials does something wrong, they just move on. Maybe I'm over reacting because it's Dolphins players, but 50K in two weeks just seems a bit over the top. No Fun League indeed...
I'm sending Roger Goodell a thank-you note for getting Joey even MORE FIRED UP right before the game...
I dont know guys, Joey deserved this one. He was mouthing off about the officials, everyone knows you can't do that. Its a shame you cant, because sometimes they deserve it. However, in this case, Joey was wrong. It wasnt a fumble, before opening his mouth he should have taken a peak at the replays first. It is getting ridiculous the NFL and all their damn fines lately though. They have more important things to be worrying about than junk like this.
Interesting, that's more than Vince Wilfork got for the late low hit on JP Losman last year. It's also less than what Wilfork got when he put his finger into Brandon Jacobs face mask last year. Crazy standards.
Freedom of speech only applies to the state and government. As far as I can tell, Houston the city, Texas the State, and the US isn't trying to persecute him.
Yes, and we now paid one tenth of what Belichick paid for a ticket to Canton. That's for one guy critizing the refs and 3 guys celebrating one(!) touchdown. Seems fair to me. lol
just proves that the nfl is only about cash, not discipline when fining players. When the NFL gets its chance fining a player, boy do they take it. Also proven when that guy from Pitt was fined 7,500 for a dangerous hit during the same week that ronnie was fined 10,000 for celebrating
I watched Adrian Wilson hit Trent Edwards two weeks ago. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with the hit, helmet hit Edwards in the chest, and rolled up into his chin. No celebrating, obviously wasnt late, no flag. only thing is that it knocked Edwards the **** out. For this Wilson got a very sizeable fine..didnt even come for like a week after. It is getting very very rediculous, and it is going to change the shape of the game...for the worse IMO.
I agree Kenny. My biggest problem with these fines is that these players are getting fined $7,500 for stuff that they didn't even receive a penalty for (i.e. Hines Ward got fined twice for unnecessary roughness and neither of them were called in the game). If the referee thought it was clear, why does the league have to get in on it. Also, I think the NFL has almost dug a hole with the referees because on one hand, they want speed up the game instead of stopping it every time because of penalties but on the other hand, they're criticizing the referees for swallowing the whistle. I think the whole rule book needs to be reviewed this off-season and possibly take out some rules.
Ohhhh, I think Goodell and his entire band of Cronies needs to be reviewed and possibly some taken out. Just MHO, I think they are gonna realize that without any contact, this is gonna get very bad. And, they are establishing exactly that. Players are going to get aprehensive to contact, which pretty much goes against what football represents.