[ame="http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4351601"]NFL draft will expand to three days in 2010 - ESPN[/ame]
i don't like this for only one reason..it's hard enough for me to get two days off from both work and wife/house stuff much less three. i take great joy in being able to watch it in it's entirety. on the other hand it would start prime time friday which i would be off then...but it's a friday and im usually busy friday nights. i could just record it but it's not the same..i tried that once and just couldn't get into it already knowing alot of what happened.
What a STUPID idea....it was nice the way it was and now they have to have it during a week night. Hopefully they will go back to doing this over the weekend.
Booo, that means I have to free up three nights!! I liked waking up Saturday morning and being engulfed with the draft til late afternoon... jerks!
I have no problem with it, really. I'm young and can easily get me some free time for the draft. But, I liked it the way it was last year. Waking up on Saturdays, anxiously waiting for the draft to come was a blast.
This commissioner is way over his head when it comes to running the league IMO. I like his tough stance on the players behaviors, but the other stuff is stupid. Sending teams overseas to play regular season games, this draft thing, NFL channel only games.
if goodell wants more fans to watch then maybe they should do more at scene stuff. ive never been to a draft but i always thought it ridonkulous when they would pan to the crowd on sundays and atleast half are sleeping. whether that be out of boredom or hung-over they should do more things then make us watch the same four guys discuss the number 1 pick all day(and thats on the tele),i really feel for those that buy tickets to go only to to be lulled to sleep.
If you don't like the move, sign this petition (I wrote it). http://www.petitiononline.com/nfldft10/petition.html
We will get the answer next year when we see the viewership numbers Thursday and Friday will get good numbers but Saturday will be poor This will make round 2 (especially the top) trade heavy IMO
I'll bet viewership goes down. Lots a guys are gonna lose out to their wife and kids during those time slots.
They should have it Friday through sunday if they're that hard up on primetime. I understand more people will be home on Thurs vs. Friday but the people who watch this stuff will watch it on a Friday.
I don't like the idea, but I know why the NFL is doing it. I hate the idea but I'll still watch. And that is what the NFL is counting on. They want the primetime $$$$$.