It was widely reported on Wednesday that Edward Roski, a part owner of the L.A. Kings and L.A. Lakers, will make a “major announcement” on Thursday regarding the possible future of the NFL in Los Angeles. He’ll unveil on Thursday morning his concept for a new stadium in L.A. PFT Planet gets an advance peek at the venue, thanks to Roski’s group, which sent to us a link to the proposed venue’s brand-new web site. The site included a computerized flyover of the stadium. Though the graphics are a bit on the N64 level, the video reveals a stunning structure that creates the appearance that it is surrounded by a bowl of earth and grass. And if you look closely, you’ll notice the obvious ambition of the project. One of the nearby buildings is adorned with a huge sign that proclaims “SUPER BOWL.” The stadium would be builty in the City of Industry, rougly 20 miles east of Los Angeles. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello tells the AP that the NFL will not be involved in Thursday’s press conference. (The computerized mock-up of the stadium, however, sports the NFL logo on one of the background signs.) LINK TO rest of story
some additional info and a picture of the computer rendered drawings can be found here...;_ylt=AiDiw6N2Wv9xo4VGremrO6lDubYF?slug=ap-nfl-losangeles&prov=ap&type=lgns
I've seen/read about a few people that have tried to bring the NFL back to Los Angeles(and failed).I sure hopes this"deal" gets done,but I'm not holding my breath.Btw I really don't want another "transplant" team in LA,we've never had our own original NFL franchise here.But at this point I'm willing to take just about any team(for my second tier team).
Meh, I've never really had much interest in football in LA since the Dolphins and Bruins are enough to whet my football appetite. I may go to a few games if it happens but my #1 loyalty still goes to the Dolphins.