Apparently they are up for download right now. I'm not at home to check, but that's good news! 800 points gets you 4 new multiplayer maps.
So far I don't care for them to much, I wil give them more of a shot later, just they are so busy its ridiculous
CoD4 died to me after 2-3 months. It was far too easy online as opposed to playing human vs. human customs in Resistance: Fall Of Man, which is a way better game. However, if there's something new, then I guess I'll check it out........
The ps3 won't have them for 21 days after the release of them on Live. By the way, I don't think Resistance is all that great of a game...any game where I can aim a sniper rifle about a foot to the left or right of a guy's head, and shoot, and get a head shot, is a game that I think is not very good.
The PS3 will be getting them in a couple weeks and don't expect anything new on the PS Store as it is going over a makeover and won't be updated until the 17th when the new store is unveiled.
Were you talking to me? If so, I never said anything about my CoD4 skills...I only commented on the crappy hit detection on Resistance. I have my good games on CoD4, and I have my bad games. I'm not the best, but I'm certainly not the worst, either.