Dear friends, I will be away for a few days to take part in my daughter's ordination to the ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She accepted a call to be the Associate Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Richmond, VA, beginning this past April 1st. The tradition in the Virginia Synod is to ordain all new pastors at their synod assembly which occurs this weekend at Roanoke College in Salem, VA. The actual service will take place in St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, Roanoke because of space limitations. I will be her ordination sponsor and as such will get to place the "stole" (a colored cloth which is the symbol of ordained service) on her shoulders for the first time. I am a very proud Dad! Thankfully my task does not involve speech because I expect to be struck mute by emotion. Please add this whole situation to your prayers and join us in the celebration!
That is so wonderful, yes I'm sure you are and rightfully so. What a beautiful place and area to hold it. I lived in the Roanoke area for over 8 years. Wonderful people and a great place.
Congrats. It must be pretty special when you a child follows in your footsteps. Question, is there generally a celebration after an event like this?
First of all thank you to all of you who have posted congratulations, etc. Yes there is and since we are Lutheran, occasionally an adult beverage is consumed Seriously, we are planning a dinner before hand and the Synod holds a reception afterwards. I expect we will continue the celebration after that. There will be some of her college and seminary friends there, professors coming to be a part, and folks from the last three congregations where I served and she grew up. It should be a great time!
Awesome! I was just curious if your religion allowed for this to be a joyous time or one of "solemn duty", so to speak. Have fun, and always remember, you can unplug the karaoke machine!
Pastor, you must be so proud. If she Pastors anything like you, all her parishners will be blessed. My love and prayers are with you, your daughter and the rest of your family. I understand the emotional part. When My son was ordained as a Deacon in our church, I could barely speak I was so moved. God Bless all of you!
My only "job" was to walk my daughter forward, be a part of the laying on of hands, and lay the stole on her shoulders. Then the Bishop asks me to say one of the charges to the ordinanes. I was so afraid I would squeak that I nearly blew out a wall with my first sylables. Everyone was very gracious and welcoming. My daughter has already become a part of her new family and it is great to watch! Thanks everyone!