Is fifth-grader Kenton Stufflebeam smarter than the Smithsonian? On a winter break trip with his family to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, the 11-year-old southwestern Michigan boy noticed that a notation, in bold lettering, mistakenly identified the Precambrian as an era. Since it opened in 1981, millions of people have paraded past the museum's Tower of Time, a display involving prehistoric time. Kenton was the first to point out the error.,2933,345488,00.html
smart kid! that's awesome. i am pretty sure i recall seeing what exhibit they are talking about. and, ummm, oh yeah, i uhhhhh, noticed it too on my famlily's last visit, but i didn't want the historians to feel bad so i didn't mention it. yeah, that's it... that's the ticket.
They got his city wrong too. Jeeze I live in this state,I wonder how many times they've screwed us.About 7 months ago they sent me a bill for taxes from the bar that I already paid.Looked like a bill,almost paid it.I called the accountant instead and they wrote the state a nice nasty letter.About 3 weeks later I got an apology but I bet they would have kept the money if I hadn't went hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WTF!
x2 and it sounds like this is a semantics thing.... so they mis-identified it as an "era" instead of a period... sheesh! Kudos to the kid for picking up on that, but everyone making a big deal? this poor kid is going to be one of those grammar-police types that corrects everyone. hope he signs up on