"If you get disrespected, you give disrespect back" was his first comment about the Patsies! "Sparano doesn't coach scared and believes in the "why not us" statement about winning." Does he guarantee a win? No but he did guarantee they will be ready for the Patsie and He guarantees they will not walk through the Phins pre-game stretch in Miami!!!
Porter on PTI He was just on PTI. Snippets: He said that he likes Sparano and he's doing good because he preaches to the guys that "why can't we win it?" he doesn't preach about rebuilding etc. He's tough and talks straight forward to them and expects and thinks he has the guys that can win now. etc. He said he was being misused in Pitt. and that's why people were saying he may be washed up, he laughed at that. He said "if they're going to pay me that much, they should use me to the best of my abilities" implying that that's what we are doing now. They implied before the commercial that he was going to make a prediction about us winning the NE game, but he laughed and said something like "I'm not going to predict anything, but what I will say is that when they come to our house, they're going going to find a tough, hungry team and it's going to be a dog fight. They will have a tough time and that the Phins are going to bring their A game" etc.... I'm paraphrasing a bit, but that's the gist.
I dont think he was referring to pittsburgh not using him properly, i think that was more of a shot against Cam Cameron and whoever the DC was last year... im surprised he didnt guarantee a win, im glad he didnt though. It's going to be a tough one sunday
Yeah he seemed relaxed and in good spirits. Loved how he explained the difference between last year and this year. How poorly he was used last year and "hand cuffed" last year compared to how he has been placed in a position to succeed this year. Go Get Em Joey!!!!!
Yeah! He did mean his last year or so in Pitt. and why they traded him. I remember people saying it when we were going to sign him and yes, also referring to Cam.
O.K. Changed the title and took off the J Peezy and made it Joey Porter. They called him that on PTI so I used it.