Whereas I was somewhat opposed to getting him before (thinking we needed to draft an ILB instead), I now hope we get him. So, this is good news. Only question is, is Parcells & Co serious about getting him? Let's hope so!
he provides great flexibility since he can play both ILB and OLB ..... so gives us options in the draft ....
After Midnight, we gonna let it all hang do do!!!! hahahaha Who sung that song??? First one to answer gets to smell Dansby's socks after the first practice...
My point as well. He gives us so much flexibility and allows us to get our NT, safety or Spiller in the 1st round.
Great news for the Dolphins. Dansby had stated that he would like to play in NY and the Giants pulling out of the sweepstakes is a big bonus for us. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they are spreading these rumors in order to lower the price tag on him if he truely does want to play for the Giants.
NYG out of the running for Dansby -New York Daily Times Hope this is true. I'd say this narrows it down to us and Washington for Dansby. Washington will probably throw more money his way, but if he's serious about playing for a contender and coming home, we have the edge.
Here's hoping that Washington decides signing Julius Peppers is a bigger priority than Dansby. I really think that if we can be the first team to bring him in, he doesn't leave without a deal.
He wont lower anything....maybe if the Giants are out of it....he lowers the legnth or overall money, but I think the 30 milly guaranteed is the number...
If we get Spiller while Brown is still on our roster, I'll be second behind you. BUT, pick up an extra 1st for Brown, grab Spiller with the one, and then do Bryant or Marshall, we'll have a pretty well off Offense.
Yeah, the more I thought about it, the more sense it makes (to me anyway). Signing Dansby means we don't have to look at ILB in the draft (we can, but don't have to). And, certainly not at #12 where one of the top FS, OLB or WR might be sitting there for the taking. Honestly, I still hope we make a draft day deal and move down from #12. Anywhere between 15-24 or so should still net us a real good player. In doing so, we can pick up another 2nd rounder. And, if someone comes along and takes Fasano off our hands, we could be looking at three 2nd round picks! How schweet would that be?!
Hold your horses I actually read the article Rotoworld based that blurb on. And nowhere does in that article does it say they won't bid on Dansby. Actually, Floyd Reese says contrary. There's a reason why I read the actual articles when Rotoworld is the proxy source. They're a repeat offender. I don't know how this person deduced what he did from the NYDN article.
Dansby would provide veteran leadership from the ILB position that Crowder doesn't and he is just a good consistent linebacker. However I really don't see us getting into a bidding war with NY or especially Washington with their spending habits. Ireland and Parcells both know we are weak at linebacker and I am sure they will address it in the draft and maybe free agency. I just hope its enough.
I see your point Muck. Looks like Rotoworld may have exercised some creative analysis in connecting the dots from that NYDN article (to what they then reported). Although, the author (Ralph Vacchiano) did say: which would seem contrary to the idea of signing Dansby, simply based on what he is reportedly looking for in the way of a contract. Then again, it could just be smoke and mirrors. Dunno. But, sure makes for interesting conversation the day before FA begins, don't it? Anyways...reckon we'll find out soon enough.
I love but hate this time of year I swear!!!!!! yes no yes no yes no...I was all happy when they said we got Pace last year, went to bed, woke up and he was a figure it out or dont print it!!!