Help the Dolphins Cheerleaders beat the Cowboys cheerleaders in the hottest cheerleaders competition. The Cowboys are currently ahead by a wide margin. VOTE!
Hottest Cheerleaders Tournament. on aol Miami is up agianst the Dallas, go vote for the fins
Wow, dallas is killing our girls... Come on people, start voting! They could of put some better pics too for us
I posted this same thing a little earlier this morning. The Doll-phins are way behind. Let's get those votes in!
This should be put on the Main Page! those are very selective pics...our girls are way hotter than this.
Vote for Dolphins cheerleaders in the hottest cheerleaders finals! Good day fellow finheaveners... didnt' see this posted here, but lets all give our girls some support!! they're in the finals against the cowboys squad! GO VOTE!!