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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Galant, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Anyone here spent any time with MBTI? Any thoughts to share?

    I've looked into it from time to time and found it quiet helpful and insightful. It definitely gets mis-represented/oversimplified and mis-used, and I can't say it doesn't have its flaws. However, in terms of providing a system for helping to understand how different people think/approach the world around them, and the different needs people feel strongly, it's been very helpful.

    It's helped me appreciate how other individuals I know (and ones I meet) think and why they approach life the way they do, even when (especially when) very different from my own.

    Some of the more commonly encountered differences are:

    Neat-freaks vs. aesthetically oblivious
    Rationality vs. Socially harmony
    "Just get on with it" vs. "I'm thinking things through"

    I find it's also quite interesting looking at society through this sort of lens - for example, big picture scenarios like sincere socialists vs. principled capitalists.

    Of course, the dynamics of human behaviour and society are massively complex and can't simply be pigeon-holed. However, at the same time that complexity invites investigation and an attempt to understand people, and why we are who we are.

    Bring it back down to the personal, I've found that some of the concepts provided by MBTI have been helpful in just understanding my own approach to life, helping me counteract some of my own tendencies when not helpful, and focusing them in order to make better use.

    So, just wondering if anyone else out there has any thoughts on the matter?

    And on the simpler/lighter side - are there any short quotes/insights that you've found helpful in either understanding/explaining yourself or motivating/challenging yourself?

    Two examples for me:

    Understanding/Explaining - This t-shirt - https://www.zazzle.com.au/because_i_care_t_shirt-235256204762671243
    "I only point out your inaccuracies because I care".

    It's so hard not to want to refine a statement or point out an inaccuracy. Not to be picky or pedantic, but because the impulse to value precision is so strong. Getting things right, precisely right - is just important. Why wouldn't someone want the best/right version of something?

    Motivating/Challenging - A quote from Batman Begins - "It's not who you are inside, but what you do that defines you." It's so easy to live in my own head. But to conceive of something, or think it through, isn't enough. People don't see inside my head. I use this idea/quote as a constant reminder/challenge to actually be good and productive and helpful, and not just think about it.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  2. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I've been interested in Myers Briggs since the 90s. Were all individuals, and pegging people into two big groups is obviously flawed and silly, but I think that their 16 actually does a pretty good job. The longer the questionnaire, the more accurate.

    I'm personally an INFJ.
    Galant likes this.
  3. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Some decent resources to help understand MBTI and the 8 functions:


    "The Cognitive Functions:

    The 8 functions are separated into 4 Perceiving functions (iNtuitions vs Sensing -- Ni, Ne, Si, Se) and 4 Judging functions (Thinkers vs Feelers -- Ti, Te, Fi, Fe). There are introverted and extraverted aspects of the the 4 different functions (iNtuition, Sensing, Thinking, & Feeling).


    The introversion and extraversion aspects of each of the four types of functions (N, S, T, F) are known as attitudes in using the functions. Introverted functions would focus on internal use; focusing on the world inside rather than external cues. Extraversion would focus more on the external world rather spending time on organizing things internally.

    The perceiving functions (iNtuition vs Sensing -- Ni, Ne, Si, Se) is the way one takes in information, processing them for understanding or use. Intuition would be based on conclusions or possibilities/ideas beyond the concrete present information given, going into the abstract -- primarily internally scheme-based conclusions (Ni) or limitless possibilities (Ne). Sensory functions would relate to the comparison of stimuli received from the external world (Se) to their own prior past experiences (Si).

    The judging functions (Thinking vs Feeling -- Ti, Te, Fi, Fe) are used to make decisions; whether based on internal feelings/values (Fi) or other's feelings (Fe) or one's own system of information (Ti) or outside logical standard (Te).

    The Order of Function Stacking Use:

    Although we may have all 8 functions, there is an order of how much we use a function (thanks to John Beebe Model or Hierarchy system). Our top 4 functions are our primary functions and the bottom four functions are our shadow functions. According to Beebe, your 8 cognitive functions each plays a role.

    The Primary Functions (4) -- making up your Function Stack for your type

    1. Dominant function -- the Hero function
    This is your strongest, most developed function. This function does most of the work in your life. It is also most developed because it was actively used in your childhood and as you age your dom function matures with more use. This is the easiest function for you because it's almost like second-nature to you. It's nearly automatic unconscious thought process being used and implemented.

    2. Auxiliary function -- the Leading/Support/Parent role
    This is your second strongest function that is often in use with your dominant function simultaneously supporting it. Together with your dom function -- makes up for about 90% of your personality

    Your aux function tends to be the one used and noticed in first impressions with people if you're an introvert, as your dominant function would be introverted and your auxiliary function would be extraverted.

    3. Tertiary function -- Relief/External Child role
    This function is almost always known as a weak and troublesome aspect of you. It should be used in a relaxed free time manner rather than used in stressful negative circumstances. This function doesn't develop until well into your mid-life due to little practice. So using this in your teens and twenties can be stressful without appropriate practice.

    This function "check-and-balances" the auxiliary function as they're opposing functions.

    4. Inferior function -- Aspirational role
    This function is your weakest primary function. This function is a function that one aspires to be. This 4th function is considered a doorway to the unconscious as it's often used in creativity or stressful moments. With practice, this function can be used in your advantage to be the best version of yourself (along with your third, second, and first function) ^^

    Shadow Functions (Bottom 4):

    Shadow functions are your primary functions but in reversed introverted or extroverted. (For example: INFJ's primary functions are Ni Fe Ti Se and their shadow functions are Ne Fi Te Si)

    5. The Opposing Role
    This function is the reversed external or internal function of your dominant function. The use of this function may cause you to be stubborn, uncooperative, unfriendly, or rude.

    6. The Critical Parent Role
    The use of this function may cause you to criticize yourself and others depending on the function topic.

    7. The Trickster role
    This function gives you grief and trouble as it tends to deceive and distort your thinking, feeling, or experience. This function may be used under high amounts of stress or pressure tiring you out. This function is not to be trusted when in use -- known as a grip.

    8. The Demonic/Transformative role
    This is your most destructive function. The use of this is under the worst possible case scenario when used as it causes immense toll on you. However if used correctly and shortly, it can be use as a way to push yourself to improve and grow."


    And another overview from a different site:


    "According to Jung, Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling can be directed inwardly (i.e., “introverted”) or outwardly (i.e., “extraverted”). When introverted, these functions are largely concealed and unobservable by others. When extraverted, they are more easily observed from without. Here is a list of the eight functions:

    Introverted Sensing (Si)
    Introverted Intuition (Ni)
    Introverted Thinking (Ti)
    Introverted Feeling (Fi)

    Extraverted Sensing (Se)
    Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
    Extraverted Thinking (Te)
    Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

    Introverted (Si, Ni, Ti, Fi) & Extraverted Functions (Se, Ne, Te, Fe)
    Just as all the extraverted personality types have certain traits in common, so too with the extraverted functions. Their first and most obvious commonality is their outward direction. They are also characteristically broad in their scope compared to the introverted functions (just as extraverts are more outgoing and expansive in their dealings than introverts). The introverted functions, by contrast, are narrower in scope (just as introverts are apt to have narrower or more focused interests or activities than extraverts). Whatever the introverted functions may lack in extensiveness, however, they make up for in depth.

    Extraverted Functions

    • Directed outwardly (observable by others)
    • Broad in scope; extensive
    Introverted Functions

    • Directed inwardly (concealed from others)
    • Narrow in scope; deep and intensive
    While we soon explore each of the eight functions in greater depth, here is a quick look at how this E-I difference manifests in the various functions:

    Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outward stimulation—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc.

    Introverted Sensing (Si) draws on past personal experience, the “tried and true,” making it unnecessary to constantly seek new or broad experiences.

    Extraverted Intuition (Ne) explores new ideas, patterns, and possibilities in the outside world. Since Ne springboards off existing ideas and theories, Ne types often read extensively in order to acquire a broad or diverse understanding.

    Introverted Intuition (Ni) apprehends ideas, patterns, and perspectives that emerge within. INJs may feel less compelled to read extensively, since their source of N material is inwardly derived and divined.

    Extraverted Thinking (Te) seeks to make external operations more rational and efficient. Its “standardized” methods can be broadly applied to make nearly any organization or enterprise more rational.

    Introverted Thinking (Ti) is concerned with inner rationality and personal effectiveness. Its methods are more individualized and therefore less broadly applicable than those of Te.

    Extraverted Feeling (Fe) surveys a breadth of human feeling. Its goal is to cultivate interpersonal harmony among people.

    Introverted Feeling (Fi) is concerned with inner harmony. Whereas Fe focuses on interpersonal matters, Fi is intrapersonal. Its focus is on personal values, preferences, and feelings.

    The Judging (Ti, Te, Fi, Fe) & Perceiving Functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne)
    We can also divide the eight functions according to whether they are Judging or Perceiving functions. Namely, the Thinking (Ti, Te) and Feeling (Fi, Fe) functions are Judging functions, while the Sensing (Si, Se) and Intuition (Ni, Ne) functions are considered Perceiving functions.

    The Perceiving functions are responsible for taking in or retrieving information. Observing birds, smelling flowers, reading novels, and recalling something from memory are examples of Perceiving activities. Unlike the Judging functions, the Perceiving functions are not concerned with actively shaping or controlling, but with absorbing life and information.


    The Judging functions allow us to make decisions and draw conclusions based on received information. They are related to a desire to control, predict, order, or otherwise actively shape the course of things. When using our Judging process, we often close ourselves off to new information (i.e., we shut down Perceiving) in our desire to move toward an answer, decision, or objective.[​IMG]

    Having considered some important background information on the functions, I will now provide an overview of each of the eight functions (I also have written individual posts on each function, available through the links below, as well as our Functions Page). We will begin with a look at the four Perceiving functions and end with the four Judging functions.

    Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
    NP types use Extraverted Intuition (Ne) as their dominant or auxiliary function. The verbal expression of Ne amounts to something like “brainstorming aloud.” When orating, NPs may not always seem to “have a point” as they haphazardly move from one idea to the next. Ne is more divergent and expansive in nature than its introverted cousin, Ni. NPs feel compelled to outwardly explore all the options and possibilities, making it difficult for them to draw firm conclusions or make confident decisions. The divergent nature of Ne explains why NPs often seem random, distractible, quirky, or flighty. Ne types use their Si to recall what has been and then use their Ne to envision what could be. This orientation toward future possibilities gives Ne types a good nose for inventing, marketing, entrepreneurship, politics, journalism, etc.

    Introverted Intuition (Ni)
    NJ types use Introverted Intuition (Ni) as their dominant or auxiliary function. Unlike Ne, which expands the number of options or possibilities, Ni tends to work more convergently, producing a more singular and comprehensive vision or solution. The convergent capacities of Ni provides NJs a greater sense of confidence and conviction in moving forward, contributing to their effectiveness as theorists, leaders, problem solvers, and advisers. INJs often think by way of images rather than words. Their intuitions may manifest as gut feelings, hunches, symbols, dreams, or imagery. Because Ni does much of its work subconsciously, it is sometimes perceived as having a certain magical or prophetic quality. But Ni need not be considered in any way magical or mystical. Ni intuitions are generated from information provided by NJs’ other functions, particularly their Se, which gathers concrete data from the immediate environment that serves as raw material for their Ni. Like working a puzzle, Ni synthesizes Se pieces of information and generates an intuitive impression or interpretation of what is happening, as well as a sense of what might happen next. For more on Ne-Ni differences, see this post.

    Extraverted Sensing (Se)
    SPs types use Extraverted Sensing (Se) as either their dominant or auxiliary function. SPs are sensual, instinctual, and appetitive. They relish stimulation of their five senses—new sights, sounds, tastes, scents, movements, textures, etc. They are “sensation-seekers,” relishing novel experiences, material pleasures, and the thrill of action. ESPs are highly observant and attuned to the details of the world around them, especially in areas that interest them. As Extraverts, their preferences often change according to what is popular or trendy.

    Introverted Sensing (Si)
    SJ types use Introverted Sensing (Si) as either their dominant or auxiliary function. Despite their shared status as Sensors, SJs are quite different from SPs. SJs do not venture out seeking novel sensations, experiences, or material goods. Instead, they prefer a more routinized and predictable lifestyle, functioning more as “homebodies.” ISJs may also fail to notice external details to the degree exhibited among ESPs. Unlike SPs, who are oriented to the present moment and the current trends, SJs rely on information from the past to inform the present. They grow attached to past ways of doing things, compelling them to conserve and protect traditions or conventions. Because of their concern for the remembered past, Si might be considered more abstract and less concrete than Se is.

    Extraverted Thinking (Te)
    TJ types use Extraverted Thinking (Te) as their dominant or auxiliary function. Te involves the outward expression of rational judgments and opinions; TJs literally think (i.e., make judgments, conclusions, and decisions) aloud. Te is more fact-oriented than Ti is. STJs, in particular, see the world as composed of discrete, black-and-white parts. This allows them to institute clear definitions, objective standards, and measurable goals. While Ti is forever backtracking to question and clarify underlying ideas and assumptions, Te is more positivistic and forward-moving, working to improve definitions, plans, policies, classifications, procedures, etc. It carefully spells out how to get from here to there, using as many maps, labels, and instructions as necessary. The modern world, characterized by a snowballing of laws and bureaucracy, might be viewed as stemming from an unchecked Te.

    Introverted Thinking (Ti)
    TP types use Introverted Thinking (Ti) as their dominant or auxiliary function. Since Ti is introverted, TPs are reluctant to express their rational judgments outwardly. Ti is used to bring structure and order to TPs’ inner world. This inner structuring grants them a strong sense of inner control. Inwardly, TPs are highly self-disciplined, working to independently manage their thoughts in a way that allows them to better cope with life. TPs (especially NTPs) are less interested in working with facts than with ideas. Jung writes of the ITP: “His ideas have their origin not in objective data but in his subjective foundation.” ITPs are constantly digging into the background of their own thoughts in order to better understand their origins and to ensure their thinking is founded on clear and logical ideas. They see it pointless to try to build a system of thought on a dubious conceptual platform, making them slower than Te types to rush into experiments in order to discover more “facts.” This is especially true of NTPs, who find it easier to identify inconsistencies or logical shortcomings—to assert what is not true—than to identify and confidently assert what is true. While their skepticism is often broad and liberal, their positivism is minimal and conservative.

    Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
    FJ types use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) as their dominant or auxiliary function. FJs, especially EFJs, are quick to outwardly express their feelings, opinions, and grievances. Fe plays a prominent role in attuning to and empathizing with others’ emotions. It allows FJs to recreate another’s emotion state within themselves, allowing them to literally feel what the other person is feeling. FJs also work to meet others’ needs and to maintain harmony in the external environment. They ensure that everyone is getting along and is well cared for. At the same time, since Fe is an Extraverted Judging function, there are times when FJs are compelled to sacrifice external harmony for the sake of asserting their judgments. FJs also enjoy giving counsel and advice, especially with regard to people-related matters.

    Introverted Feeling (Fi)
    All FP types use Introverted Feeling (Fi) as their dominant or auxiliary function. Fi is directed inwardly, navigating and managing personal feelings and values on a largely independent basis. While Fe turns to others for emotional support and kinship, Fi deals with emotions more independently. When IFPs do opt to outwardly express their feelings and values, they often do so indirectly—through active (S), creative (N), or rational (Te) means. Fi also inspires FPs types to help the underserved. They can commonly be found helping the sick, the needy, children, and animals. They love to rescue those in need, such as by adopting pets from animal shelters. Moreover, Fi works to shape its own worldview—a personalized system of values—that can serve as a platform for self-understanding and decision-making. As is the case with TPs, this self-understanding grants FPs a strong sense of inner control. While FPs (especially IFPs) may feel they have little control over other people, they feel confident in regulating their own feelings, values, and actions."
  4. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    And this one gives some good summaries of the different functions depending on stack placement (how dominant they are and how they present in combination with other functions):


    "Attempting to determine which cognitive functions you use within the MBTI system can be a tricky process. We are usually highly aware of our dominant and auxiliary function, but struggle to identify our tertiary and inferior functions – and there are two simple reasons for this.

    The first reason is that our tertiary function doesn’t begin developing in a recognizable way until we are well into our twenties. Our inferior, on the other hand, takes until approximately middle age to develop fully. Attempting to identify one’s tertiary or inferior function before at the age of at least thirty is likely to result in a great deal of confusion and misidentification.

    The second – and perhaps most prominent reason – is that the expression of our tertiary and inferior functions are warped by the expression of our dominant and auxiliary functions. Extroverted feeling looks very different in an ISTP than it does in an ENFJ. In fact, we often spend the first few decades of our lives rebelling against our inferior function – causing us to believe that we don’t possess it at all.

    Below, we’ll take a look at what each cognitive function looks like in each possible position in one’s stacking. If you already know your four-letter MBTI type and want to learn which functions you possess (and where they appear in your stacking), click here.

    Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
    Dominant Extroverted Intuition:
    As a dominant function, Ne manifests as a seemingly never-ending plethora of theories, possibilities and inventive ideas that the user is constantly picking up on.
    The dominant-Ne monologue: “I am swimming in an endless sea of possibilities about what to do/experience/think about next and I want to try them all.”

    Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition:
    Auxiliary Ne manifests as a plethora of possibilities that arise to support or expand upon a thought or decision that the user has come to. The auxiliary-Ne monologue: “I see a million different ways to look at the concept I’ve been analyzing and I want to consider them all.”

    Tertiary Extroverted Intuition:
    Tertiary Ne manifests as a series of creative solutions that may go into solving a given problem or moving them towards a goal. The tertiary-Ne monologue: “I will consider which possibilities will best help me accomplish the goal I have set.”

    Inferior Extroverted Intuition:
    Inferior Ne originally manifests as a reluctance to try new ways of doing things, occasionally giving way to anxiety over the unknown. As Ne matures, its user will become more comfortable dwelling in uncertainties and entertaining new possibilities. The inferior-Ne monologue (prior to maturation): “It is best to stick to the most reliable methods of getting things done. There is no sense getting lost in a sea of unpredictable possibilities.”


    Introverted Intuition (Ni)
    Dominant Introverted Intuition:
    As a dominant function, Ni manifests as a keen perception for the meaningful connections that exist between the thoughts, concepts, events and occurrences in the Ni-user’s environment. The dominant-Ni monologue:“Everything is interconnected and I must determine the meaning and implication behind those connections.”

    Auxiliary Introverted Intuition:
    As an auxiliary function, Ni manifests as an understanding of how one ought to go about accomplishing his or her goals, based on a keen intuitive perception of how various courses of action are likely to unfold. The auxiliary-Ni monologue: “How can I use my intuitive knowledge about how things are connected in order to achieve what I want?”

    Tertiary Introverted Intuition:
    As a tertiary function, Ni manifests as the desire to optimize or perfect upon one’s pre-existing talents or skills. The tertiary-Ni monologue: “How can I improve upon – or even perfect – the approach that I regularly take toward my main passion or interest?”

    Inferior Introverted Intuition:
    As an inferior function, Ni originally manifests as a scorn or distaste for over-analyzing what is obvious or over-planning for the future. As inferior introverted intuition matures, the user may find themselves developing a keen ‘hunch’ for the way things are bound to unfold in the future and will enjoy entertaining these ideas. The inferior-Ni monologue (prior to maturation):“Everyone needs to stop over-analyzing everything, the answers are literally right in front of us.”


    Extroverted Sensing (Se):
    Dominant Extroverted Sensing:
    As a dominant function, Se manifests as the desire to engage fully with the sensory aspects of one’s environment, without any restraint or pause for analysis. The dominant-Se monologue: “I want to sample all of the experiences that are immediately available to me and see where those experiences lead me!”

    Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing:
    As an auxiliary function, Se manifests as the desire to experience and experiment with the sensory aspects that the user has determined to be the most enjoyable or useful. The auxiliary-Se monologue: “I want to go live out the experiences that I have determined to be the best or most enjoyable and see what happens as a result.”

    Tertiary Extroverted Sensing:
    As a tertiary function, extroverted sensing manifests as the user’s ability to pick up cues from their external environment and react to them with a sense of natural confidence. The tertiary-Se monologue: “I prefer to plan ahead, but when necessary, I can think surprisingly well on my feet, as I feel in tune with what is going on around me.”

    Inferior Extroverted Sensing:
    As an inferior function, Se originally manifests as a distrust of the physical world that surrounds its user, or the pervasive belief that one’s intellect can and must be trusted above the sensory information that is available. As Se matures, the user may find themselves feeling steadily more in tune with the sensory world that surrounds them, and more able to trust it as a pervasive force. The inferior-Se monologue (prior to maturation): “I must analyze all possible outcomes of a sensory experience, as the physical world is subject to change unexpectedly, at any time.”

    Introverted Sensing (Si):
    Dominant Introverted Sensing:
    As a dominant function, Si manifests as a powerful memory for what has worked well in the past, and the desire to structure one’s life around the traditions and positive outcomes of past experiences. The dominant-Si monologue:“I prefer to plan the majority of my life around the traditional or tried-and-true methods of doing things, as they have proven to be the most reliable.”

    Auxiliary Introverted Sensing:
    As an auxiliary function, Si manifests as the preference to rely on the tried-and-true method when working to accomplish a particular goal. The auxiliary-Si monologue:“In order to achieve what I want, I will employ the most reliable and socially acceptable method of accomplishing it.”

    Tertiary Introverted Sensing:
    As a tertiary function, introverted sensing manifests as a proneness to nostalgia, as well as a method of contrasting the new and exciting with the old and the known. The tertiary-Si monologue:“I will examine how my new experience or theory sizes up against my past experiences or way of understanding the world.”

    Inferior Introverted Sensing:
    As an inferior function, introverted sensing originally manifests as a resistance to tradition or conformity of any sort. As Si matures, the user will find themselves steadily more able to determine when traditional methods are useful in accomplishing their goals and when they are not, and will begin to feel comfortable integrating tried-and-true methods into their experiences as they see fit. The inferior-Si monologue (prior to maturation): “Out with the old, in with the new! F*ck the system! The man can’t keep me down!”


    Extroverted Thinking (Te):
    Dominant Extroverted Thinking:
    As a dominant function, Te manifests as the ability to clearly envision the most effective outcome to any given situation or problem and the ability to set the corresponding plans into action. The dominant-Te monologue: “I will achieve my goal by any means necessary.”

    Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking:
    As an auxiliary function, Te manifests as the ability to take concrete, efficient action on the user’s analysis of what the best thing to do would be. The auxiliary-Te monologue: “Now that I have determined the best or most reliable course of action, I will set it into motion using the most straightforward method available to me.”

    Tertiary Extroverted Thinking:
    As a tertiary function, Te manifests as the ability to source whichever resources are necessary to make the user’s desire a reality. The tertiary-Te monologue: “I will employ the most straightforward method that exists in order to make my goal, dream or impulse come true.”

    Inferior Extroverted Thinking:
    As an inferior function, Te originally manifests as the inability to set one’s external desires or plans into motion. As Te matures, the user finds themselves steadily more able to source the resources they require to make their dreams a reality. They also find themselves developing the ability to express their thoughts to others in a straightforward, logical manner. The inferior-Te monologue (prior to maturation): “I have many goals I want to accomplish but often have trouble tangibly setting them into motion. I fear being perceived as incompetent by others.”

    Introverted Thinking (Ti)
    Dominant Introverted Thinking:
    As a dominant function, Ti manifests as the constant identification of logical patterns that exist in ones external environment as well as a keen perception for any deviations from those patterns. The dominant-Ti monologue: “I must figure out exactly how everything logistically works in relation to everything else.”

    Auxiliary Introverted Thinking:
    As an auxiliary function, Ti manifests as the identification of how the logical systems in the user’s external environment could be manipulated to work to their advantage. The auxiliary-Ti monologue: “How can I manipulate the way that this object or situation works so that it instead works the way I’d like it to?”

    Tertiary Introverted Thinking:
    As an auxiliary function, Ti manifests as the organization of the user’s pre-existing knowledge in a logical, systematic format. The tertiary-Ti monologue: Where does this new hunch or piece of information I’ve acquired fit in relation to what I already know to be true?

    Inferior Introverted Thinking:
    As an inferior function, introverted thinking originally manifests as an excessively critical view of others, as it searches for objective (and often harsh) truths about other people. As Ti matures, the user will find themselves using the objective truths they pick up on about others to nurture and guide others in a positive fashion, rather than manipulating them for their own gain. The inferior-Ti monologue (prior to maturation): “Can I use these objective observations about others to my advantage?”

    Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

    Dominant Extroverted Feeling:
    As a dominant function, Fe seeks to identify what is moral by identifying what those around them value, and then to enforce those values as a measure of keeping the peace in their external environment. The dominant-Fe monologue: “I will make those around me feel comfortable and happy in a cohesive manner, by identifying what we are all mutually striving for.”

    Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling:
    As an auxiliary function, Fe manifests as the urge to apply one’s understanding of a given situation in a way that will satisfy the needs and desires of others. The auxiliary-Fe monologue: “I will analyze the information that is available to me and then see how I can use it to achieve interpersonal peace.”

    Tertiary Extroverted Feeling:
    As a tertiary function, Fe manifests as the ability to pick up on the motivations and emotions of those around the user. The immature Fe user may then take advantage of those feelings by manipulating them in a way that supports his or her own ends. The mature tertiary Fe user will search for a means of incorporating the needs of others into their personal plans and actions. The tertiary-Fe monologue (prior to maturation): “I will assess the feelings of those around me to determine whether or not I can get what I want from them.”

    Inferior Extroverted Feeling:
    As an inferior function, Fe originally manifests as the user being reluctant to dabble with or express emotional concerns, as the user cannot logically make sense of many of his or her own emotions and therefore doesn’t feel confident in moderating them. As Fe matures, its user will feel increasingly comfortable making and keeping emotional commitments to others, as they grow more confident in what is expected of them. The inferior-Fe monologue (prior to maturation): “Feelings make me freeze with anxiety because I don’t know how to moderate them. I am terrified of accidentally offending someone.”

    Introverted Feeling (Fi)
    Dominant Introverted Feeling:
    As a dominant function, Fi manifests as a moral compass that points its user toward the direction they ought to explore next, based on how they feel about the information at hand. The dominant-Fi monologue:“I must decide how I feel and where I stand on these issues before coming to a conclusion about what to do.”

    Auxiliary Introverted Feeling:
    As an auxiliary function, Fi manifests as a method of reflecting on and assessing how the user feels about his or her past actions. The auxiliary-Fi monologue: “I need to isolate myself to process how I feel about the activities I’ve been engaging in lately and decide whether or not to keep doing them.”

    Tertiary Introverted Feeling:
    As a tertiary function, Fi manifests as strong, unwavering set of morals and values which the user draws upon to dictate many of their major decisions. The tertiary Fi monologue: “I must adhere to my values and morals at all costs – even if doing so is unpleasant.”

    Inferior Introverted Feeling:
    As an inferior function, Fi manifests as a general disdain for emotional expression and a fear of being perceived as ‘weak’ by others. As Fi matures, its user will begin to identify the role their own personal morals play in their lives, and allow those morals to take on a greater role in their decision-making process. The inferior-Fi monologue (prior to maturation): “Feelings are for the weak. I have no time to attend to such trivial matters in either myself or others.”

    The Cognitive Stacking Of Each Type:

    Dominant Extroverted IntuitionAuxiliary Introverted FeelingTertiary Extroverted ThinkingInferior Introverted Sensing

    Dominant Introverted FeelingAuxiliary Extroverted IntuitionTertiary Introverted SensingInferior Extroverted Thinking

    Dominant Extroverted FeelingAuxiliary Introverted IntuitionTertiary Extroverted SensingInferior Introverted Thinking

    Dominant Introverted IntuitionAuxiliary Extroverted FeelingTertiary Introverted ThinkingInferior Extroverted Sensing

    Dominant Introverted SensingAuxiliary Extroverted ThinkingTertiary Introverted FeelingInferior Extroverted Intuition

    Dominant Extroverted ThinkingAuxiliary Introverted SensingTertiary Extroverted IntuitionInferior Introverted Feeling

    Dominant Introverted SensingAuxiliary Extroverted FeelingTertiary Introverted ThinkingInferior Extroverted Intuition

    Dominant Extroverted FeelingAuxiliary Introverted SensingTertiary Extroverted IntuitionInferior Introverted Thinking

    Dominant Extroverted SensingAuxiliary Introverted ThinkingTertiary Extroverted FeelingInferior Introverted Intuition

    Dominant Introverted ThinkingAuxiliary Extroverted SensingTertiary Introverted IntuitionInferior Extroverted Feeling

    Dominant Extroverted SensingAuxiliary Introverted FeelingTertiary Extroverted ThinkingInferior Introverted Intuition

    Dominant Introverted FeelingAuxiliary Extroverted SensingTertiary Introverted IntuitionInferior Extroverted Thinking

    Dominant Introverted IntuitionAuxiliary Extroverted ThinkingTertiary Introverted FeelingInferior Extroverted Sensing

    Dominant Extroverted ThinkingAuxiliary Introverted IntuitionTertiary Extroverted SensingInferior Introverted Feeling

    Dominant Extroverted IntuitionAuxiliary Introverted ThinkingTertiary Extroverted FeelingInferior Introverted Sensing

    Dominant Introverted ThinkingAuxiliary Extroverted IntuitionTertiary Introverted SensingInferior Extroverted Feeling
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  5. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    A decent, very quick way to initially approach MBTI and typing yourself is by taking a look at the following pairs of statements/characteristics and picking one of each pair based on which one seems most like your natural tendencies. Important - it's not which one you aspire too or are trying to be like - it's which one of each pair most accurately reflects your natural tendencies.

    Set 1


    • are generally sociable
    • are focused on the outer world
    • get energy by spending time with others
    • talk a lot & start conversations
    • speak first, then think
    • are quick to take action
    • have many friends & many interests
    • are generally quiet
    • are focused on their inner world
    • get energy by spending time alone
    • mostly listen & wait for others to talk first
    • think first, then speak
    • are slow to take action
    • have a few deep friendships & refined interests

    Set 2

    • have finely-tuned five senses
    • pay attention to the details
    • focus on what is real (in the present)
    • think in concrete terms
    • like practical things
    • like to do (make)
    • are accurate and observant
    • prefer to do things the established way
    • use their “sixth sense”
    • see the “big picture”
    • focus on what is possible (in the future)
    • think in abstract terms
    • like theories
    • like to dream (design)
    • are creative and imaginative
    • prefer to try out new ideas

    Set 3

    • mostly use their head
    • make decisions based on logic
    • are more interested in things & ideas
    • treat everybody the same
      (emphasizing fairness)
    • are more scientific in describing the world
    • mostly use their heart
    • make decisions based on their values
    • are more interested in people & emotions
    • treat people according to their situation (emphasizing compassion)
    • are more poetic in describing the world

    Set 4

    • are organized and structured
    • make plans in advance
    • keep to the plan
    • like to be in control of their life
    • want to finalize decisions
    • are casual and relaxed
    • prefer to “go with the flow”
    • are able to change and adapt quickly
    • like to simply let life happen
    • want to find more information

    You should end up with a 4 letter combination:
    ABAA etc

    This can then be converted into an MBTI type code.
    Some people struggle with part of the process. Simple statements are open to some interpretation and people respond to them differently, or even struggle with how to approach such a 'test. Some people can approach it a few times and get different answers. In that case it's helpful to get a better understanding of the actual 'functions' these statements are aiming to reflect. You should be able to get a sense of matching up how your own mind works and what tendencies you have when faced with different situations. The point is to figure out where your tendencies lie, which we all have. MBTI is essentially an observational approach to seeing how different people function and understanding why people do what they do.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  6. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    I'm an ENTJ. I have had to take the test or some version of it in ministry a number of times. The two middle ranges have varied some over the years but I have yet to score either an I point or a P point. When I'm tired I go into a crowd and interact and I feel refreshed. My daughter and my wife look at me like I am nuts but others who are also high "E's" understand.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  7. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Have you guys ever found the MBTI theory helpful/practical in any way?
  8. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    I have used it in pre-marital counseling. I have each person take the test, score them, and then lay out the results. In broad strokes it can help explain behaviors. If one person is a high E and wants to go into social interchanges constantly and the other is a high I and wants to cocoon at home, that can cause tension. If they think the other is doing that by choice it can cause resentment. Showing that it is hardwired into the person's brain may aid conversation and communication. There are other, deeper examples but hopefully you get the point.
    Galant and Unlucky 13 like this.
  9. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Which version of the test do you have them take?
  10. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    The version from the book; "Please Understand Me". It was a textbook I used in school. In my opinion the test is geared towards a bit too high an education level for mass use, at least this version. But I have found it helpful in the right setting.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  11. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    When I've tried to take a look at this with friends and family I've found that some struggle to grasp the concept or answer the questions directly. The above short 'test' listing groups of traits and having them choose works as well as anything, albeit with a bit of insight from me and someone who knows them. So I take what they select, then have a think based on what I know about the functions and them as individuals, and then I select a few of the functions summary statements also listed above, and ask which of the groups of statements they identify with.

    One of the biggest issues with the MBTI is the testing aspect. Depending on the type of mentality they have, some people simply struggle with answering questions in a way that reflects their actual tendencies versus what they consider to be 'good' traits or ones they aspire to.

    And sometimes people simply aren't interested. They find the whole concept too restrictive, and reject the idea of 'types' of people. It seems to stem from a conceptual misunderstanding of what it's about.

    I've found this frustrating at times, because I'd love to talk with people about it, but rarely find anyone interested or able to grasp it. :)
  12. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Just looked up the book. How did you find it overall?

    Also, have you ever read the follow up? - Please-Understand-Me-II-Temperament-Character-Intelligence
  13. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Its been a while since I read the whole book. As I remember, the summaries of the 16 "types" was excellent as was the explanation of what each component truly is. (An aside, people often use "extroverted" when they mean "gregarious", the two are not the same. I vs. E is about where you draw your energy, internally or externally. Those explanations were excellent!) After those portions however, I thought the book was a bit stale. My copy is totally dog eared around the types and almost unused in the rest.

    Never read the sequel so I can't comment. Funny thing, I never saw the author's name on the speaking circuit. Might be I wasn't looking in the right place or could be something else???? No real idea?
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  14. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Please Understand Me was the book that got me interested in the first place. In the late 90s while I was in college and the internet was new and everything was free, there were various websites set up based upon it - some official and some not.

    Ohiophinphan likes this.

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